All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse: February 3, 2022

    Guest: Pastor Artur Pawlowski. Topic: Pastor Artur joins us on his cell phone as he is traveling to the border of Canada and Montana to encourage the peaceful protestors. Topic: Pastor Artur calls for global accountability for the tyrants that have broken the Nuremberg Codes and violated the human rights and civil liberties of their citizens. Topic: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s praise and family connection to Communist dictator Fidel Castro. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: February 3, 2022

    In 2014, Randy was a candidate for statewide office and he’s also helped others run for office as well.  What he discovered is that while there were people willing to run for president, governor, village board or city counsel, the position most difficult to find people to run for was school board.
  • Brannon Howse: February 2, 2022

    Guest: Dr. Peter Pry and Karen Kingston. Topic: Brannon covers the growing threats from Iran, China, North Korea, Russia and Venezuela. Topic: Dr. Peter Pry with an update on the Russia, Ukraine and U.S. crisis that could spark a serious war and nuclear exchange. Topic: Karen Kingston on her recent trip to the border of Mexico and what she saw concerning children that greatly disturbed her.
  • Peter Pry: February 2, 2022

    On this edition of The Pry Report, Dr. Pry explains how Biden administration policies could escalate into a tactical nuclear war in Europe, a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia, or even a nuclear war between the U.S. vs. Russia and China. Dr. Pry advocates making peace, not war, with Russia by agreeing not to include Ukraine in NATO, and not to expand NATO further eastward. Americans should not die or risk nuclear war for distant nations that serve no vital U.S. interest. U.S. foreign policy should focus on dividing the Sino-Russian New Axis, making Russia neutral or a strategic partner, to isolate China, which is the biggest long-term threat to the U.S.
  • Crosstalk: February 2, 2022

    Many times we look at issues from a broad perspective, but today we’re going to discuss matters that impact us as individuals. Have you ever wondered, “Why me, Lord? Why am I going through this trial? Why am I having to endure this struggle? Are you there? Do you know what I’m going through? Are you listening? I go to church and do my devotions, this shouldn’t happen to me.” Have you ever felt like that? Why do we suffer? Why do we go through difficult times?

  • Brannon Howse: February 1, 2022

    Guest: Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America. Topic: BATF and Biden Regime's Illegal Gun Registry. Topic: How easily could the federal government disarm the American people? Topic: The growing similarities between what happened in Nazi Germany and what's happening in America now. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: February 1, 2022

    Many of the narratives we see on the news day after day after day are starting to fracture and the truth is beginning to emerge.  Opening the program this week, John takes a look at many of these collapsing false narratives, including public education is the best education, vaccines will keep you from getting and spreading covid, and lockdowns and mandates are proven successful.  Cracks are forming among the public and within both political parties as to the verity of these narratives.
  • Crosstalk: February 1, 2022

    What do you do when tragedy strikes?  How do you respond when someone you love battles with a matter you have no idea how to solve?  You consult with spiritual leaders, health care professionals, trusted consultants, and still there appears to be more questions than answers.  And what happens when it seems the bottom falls out from your life.  To whom do you turn?  As the guest on this edition of Crosstalk knows, despite the trials, the challenges, and the heartaches, God is Always, Only Good.
  • Brannon Howse: January 31, 2022

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Global Elite Start Getting Global Pushback on Global Tyranny and Could Be Answered by Global False Flag Event. Topic: Truckers in Canada stage a massive protest and vow to not leave until they get back their freedom. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Chris Pinto: January 28, 2022

    "Today’s Show: THE RED GREEN AXIS AT WORK Chris discusses some of the current stories in the news, with the testimony of a former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation virologist who warns that the mass vaccination of the population could create a continual series of variants. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche argues that if a vaccine cannot “prevent transmission” he warns the “virus will escape” and says “you are generating a breeding ground for even more infectious variants to replicate.” Dr. Bossche goes on to say that what is happening is “criminal” in his opinion. His voice is just one among thousands of doctors and medical professionals around the world warning about what is happening with the programs set forth by Dr. Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control. Also discussed is an upcoming documentary by British journalist, Tommy Robinson whose film, “The Rape of Britain” is set to be released at the end of January."
  • Crosstalk: January 28, 2022

    This past Monday, Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin held a panel discussion titled, COVID 19: A Second Opinion. He was joined by a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts that presented a different perspective on the global pandemic response. They shared their thoughts concerning the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be considered in the long term. This edition of Crosstalk was part 2 of this two-day look at the discussion.

  • Brannon Howse: January 27, 2022

    Guest: Rep. Tim Ramthun. Topic: Rep. Ramthum explains that his resolution to decertify did not pass the house by a voice vote despite reports by some conservative media outlets. Rep. Ramthun explains the confusion and how his resolution is now with the rules committee. Topic: What action does Rep. Ramthun now need the public to take to help fix the 2020 election? Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Crosstalk: January 27, 2022

    This past Monday, Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin held a panel discussion titled, COVID 19: A Second Opinion.  He was joined by a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts that presented a different perspective on the global pandemic response.  They shared their thoughts concerning the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be considered in the long term.  This edition of Crosstalk was part #1 of this two-day look at the discussion.
  • Brannon Howse: January 26, 2022

    Guest: Attorney Dan Eastman and Wisconsin Rep. Janel Brandtjen. Topic: Wisconsin voter fraud corruption tied to 31 other states. Topic: Wisconsin legislature cannot get a straight answer on who is managing the voter roles in Wisconsin. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: January 26, 2022

    President Biden recently addressed governors around the nation.  Ears perked up when he said there’s no federal solution to dealing with the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.  This is in contrast to the campaign he waged in which he promised to shut down the virus.  The White House has been back-peddling on that statement as many have been asking that if there’s no federal solution, why the 4 shots as well as the federal mandates?
  • Brannon Howse: January 25, 2022

    Guests: Dr. Peter Pry and Leo Hohmann. Topic: As the sound of war drums grows louder the real enemy remains hidden behind the curtain. Topic: Dr. Peter Pry on the world is on the brink of World War III over Russia and Ukraine. Topic: Are all the big issues of the day really connected such as the Great Reset, massive inflation, invasion of illegal aliens into America, the break down of America’s supply chain and the persecution of patriots? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: January 25, 2022

    This is a critical term for our court system with religious liberty and life hanging in the balance.  The guest on this Crosstalk is not one that shies away from controversy but is front and center fighting for your religious rights.
  • Brannon Howse: January 24, 2022

    Guest: Carl Teichrib. Topic: The Great Reset, The Great Pandemic, The Great Supply Chain Crisis and The Coming Great Collapse. Carl continues his update from last Friday after he monitored the World Economic Forum’s annual conference. Topic: Brannon plays a portion of the excellent speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Sunday’s Stop The Mandates Rally in Washington D.C. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: January 24, 2022

    Last year turned out to be a banner year for mainstream media misinformation.  They seemed so sure of their stories when published, but when facts came out, very few if any admitted they were wrong.  Leading off the show this week is Brandon Smith, Founder of the Alternative Market Project.  He looks back at media lowlights in 2021, including talking points like ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ ‘January 6 was an insurrection,’ and ‘alternative energies didn’t cause Texas’s winter grid collapse.’  Headlines were in large fonts; corrections, if any, were but a tiny footnote.
  • Crosstalk: January 24, 2022

    Dems Try To Nuke Filibuster, Fail Miserably
    Pro-Abortion Groups Drop Kyrsten Sinema After She Voted Against The Filibuster
    Tens of Thousands of Pro-Lifers Prepare To Defend The Unborn In Washington
    Pastor: I’m Observing A Sabbath To Celebrate Killing 63 Million Babies In Abortions
  • Brannon Howse: January 21, 2022

    Guests: Rep. Tim Ramthun and Carl Teichrib Topic: Wisconsin Republican Speaker of the House Robin Vos Helped Obama and Biden Steal 2020 Election. Topic: Rep. Tim Ramthun details some of the sixteen documented voting crimes in Wisconsin. Topic: Carl Teichrib brings us a report on the World Economic Forum's latest conference he monitored.
  • Brannon Howse: January 20, 2022

    Guests: Dick from Maryland and Anni Cyrus. Topic: Today Brannon plays the second portion of a July 25, 2019 interview with his friend the late Phil Haney. Listen as Phil warns about how the deep state seeks to destroy people that speak the truth about national security issues. Ironically, less than two years later Phil Haney was by all accounts murdered and many believe the government had him killed or covered it up. Anni and Dick respond to this 2019 audio of Phil Haney.

  • Crosstalk: January 21, 2022

    Paul Munger is a writer, producer, director editor, and the founder of Watchman Pictures, a North Carolina-based feature film production company.  Paul has sought to bring excellence and creative vision to the art of storytelling and has a passion to communicate truth and beauty through impactful stories that families can enjoy together.  He produced the film Princess Cut and the newly released Princess Cut 2: Hearts on Fire. Banner