All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse: November 23, 2021

    Guest: Mike Lindell. Topic: Brannon begins the program by discussing the need for Americans to set aside what is best for their party for what is best for their country. Topic: Brannon discusses a documentary he say that was produced by Steven Spielberg that reveals how quickly a society can turn on a group that is marginalized and characterized. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us to discuss his U.S. Supreme Court Complaint. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: June 22, 2021

    Dr. Pry reveals another recently leaked characteristic of China’s space superweapon tested last summer, the FOBS-HGV combination ideally suited for surprise attack, also successfully tested the launch of a missile by the HGV as it re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, traveling at hypersonic speeds, Mach 5-25. U.S. defense experts are astonished and many have described this feat as a physical impossibility. Dr. Pry notes that Russia describes their new superweapons as “based on new physical principles.” However, Dr. Pry also observes that U.S. scientists understood and were planning such superweapons themselves 40 years ago, during the 1980s. But the U.S. arms control community stopped the Defense Department from developing such weapons because they are “destabilizing” and could provoke “arms racing.” Now the U.S. scientists who could make such weapons are retired or dead, and the new generation of U.S. scientists are clueless.
  • Crosstalk: November 23, 2021

    Tragedy struck the city of Waukesha, Wisconsin, yesterday.  It was a time when families took a break from the stresses of our time and lined the downtown route for the city’s annual Christmas parade.  Children were enthusiastically receiving candy being tossed to them, while others were sipping coffee or hot chocolate during the windy, brisk afternoon.
  • Brannon Howse: November 22, 2021

    Guest: Former Milwaukee County Acting Sheriff Richard Schmidt and Patrick Wood. Topic: Sheriff Schmidt and Brannon discuss the tragic murders and injuries from the Waukesha Christmas parade attack. They discuss the Soros funded district attorneys, the cultural Marxist district attorneys and their destruction of our constitutional legal system and the planned collapse of society. Topic: Patrick Woods joins us to discuss the Aspen Institute’s plans to smother free speech and punish super-spreaders of so-called “disinformation.”
  • John Loeffler: November 22, 2021

    Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, convened a meeting this month to create the Great Narrative.  He said it, “will be a powerful catalyst to shape the contours of a more prosperous and inclusive future for humanity.” Joining us to analyze this is Pat Wood, President of Citizens for Free Speech and founder of Technocracy News.  He looks not only at the Great Narrative, but also at the new globalist definition of biodiversity – one that includes mapping the genetic makeup of all species, including humans, on earth.  He calls it scientific humanism.  For the globalists, it’s more shaping of the contours of humanity’s future.
  • Crosstalk: November 22, 2021

    Here’s a sample of what transpired this week in the news:
    –Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted on all counts against him stemming from the 2020 riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
    –President Biden underwent a routine colonoscopy this morning and while under anesthesia, power was temporarily transferred to VP Kamala Harris.  This action made her the first woman to assume presidential power.
  • Brannon Howse: November 19, 2021

    Guest: Mike Hammond, Trevor Loudon and Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Brannon and Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America discuss the NOT guilty verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse. Topic: Was the Second Amendment and self-defence on trail along with Kyle? Topic: Trevor responds to the shocking audio of Senator John Kennedy questioning Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the U.S. Treasury Saule Omarova. Trevor explains her communist affiliations and writings. Topic: Dr. Andy Woods joins us to discuss how the Sanhedrin is moving forward to prepare enough to anoint the Messiah. Topic: Are we close to the Second Coming of Christ and if so what about the rapture of the church and when?
  • The Covid Shot: Children, Expectant Women, Etc

    In the latest COVID related news, we not only have OSHA finally relenting and  pulling back the mandate on businesses, in schools across the nation, young children are rolling up their sleeves following the example of Sesame Street’s Big Bird to get the vaccines.  
  • Brannon Howse: November 18, 2021

    Topic: CEO of American Trucking Association Warns Food Supply and Supply Chain Collapse Over Biden Mandates. Topic: The signs a percentage of Americans are waking up and preparing for society as we know it to hit a massive tipping point. Topic: Monkey-Pox Comes to America. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: November 18, 2021

    Dr. Pry warns that Russia is again mobilizing troops on the border with Ukraine, and dictator Lukashenko of Belarus, a Russia ally, has requested tactical nuclear missiles be deployed in Belarus to threaten Poland and the Baltic states, that are members of NATO and U.S. allies. This could be the beginning of World War III, but Dr. Pry thinks Russia will wait before starting a world war, to see how much further the U.S. deteriorates under the Biden administration. U.S. national security is in freefall. The Russian General Staff will probably wait until the U.S. hits rock bottom before starting a major war. Dr. Pry dissects and rebuts the Biden intelligence community estimate that China will have 1,000 nuclear weapons by 2030. Dr. Pry makes the case that China will probably have 4,000 nuclear warheads by 2030.
  • Crosstalk: November 18, 2021

    What do you do when tragedy strikes?  How do you respond when someone you love battles with a matter you have no idea how to solve?  You consult with spiritual leaders, health care professionals, trusted consultants, and still there appears to be more questions than answers.  And what happens when it seems the bottom falls out from your life.  To whom do you turn?  As the guest on this edition of Crosstalk knows, despite the trials, the challenges, and the heartaches, God is Always, Only Good.
  • Brannon Howse: November 17, 2021

    Guest: Pete Santilli. Topic: The color revolution unfolding in America and the role of the FBI. Pete and Brannon layout the perilous times facing our nation and urging members of the intelligence community to come forward as whistleblowers and expose the lawlessness of their own agencies and the leaders running these rogue agencies.
  • Brannon Howse: November 16, 2021

    Topic: Food as a weapon to starve people into submission.Topic: Why are more Americans not preparing for what is coming? Topic: Brannon plays a portion of part one of the town-hall meeting with the retired FBI agents warning about the marxist take over of the DOJ and FBI. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: November 15, 2021

    Guest: Rod from RAIR Foundation and Former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston on code that allows doctors to track patients that are not vaccinated. Is this how the government will track the unvaccinated for counselling and harassment? Topic: Rod joins us to discuss the rise of hate speech laws, and Islam. Topic: We take your calls.
  • John Loeffler: November 15, 2021

    This week, it’s a show about division.  First up, there is a detailed, nuanced divide in Christianity where you have fundamental Christians on one side and social justice Christians on the other.  Our first guest this week is Doug Morgan, host of the Uncommon Sense podcast.  He looks at the importance of maintaining relationships within Christianity without sacrificing doctrine.  It’s always been a delicate balance between living in a fallen world and holding fast to the core tenets of your faith.  You can’t serve two masters – in this case worldviews.  Choose wisely.
  • Crosstalk: November 15, 2021

    –The Biden administration told businesses on Monday that they should move forward  with requiring workers to get inoculated against COVOD-19, despite the fact that the federal government vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees   has been temporarily halted by a federal court.
  • Brannon Howse: November 12, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Is Australia The BETA Test For Global Tyranny. Topic: New World Order Headquarters Rising in the Middle East. Topic: Re-education camps for those not embracing Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Peter Pry: November 10, 2021

    Why has mutually assured destruction never made sense? Russian and China are fighting to win a war and not following the idea of mutually assured destruction. Topic: Could Russia when a nuclear war against America by destroying our nuclear triad? Topic: What do our national leaders need to understand if America is to be preserved?
  • Brannon Howse: November 9, 2021

    FBI Actions Confirm They Are Now a Rogue Agency Assaulting Conservative Journalist And Acting Like KGB. Topic: Brannon discusses the 10 FBI agents that stormed the home of journalist James O’Keefe for simply being an investigative journalist. Topic: FBI Agent Allegedly Sexually Abused Children for Years. Topic: FBI agent accused of attacking a woman after a swinger's party. Topic: FBI turns blind eye to communist revolutionaries but sets up conservatives. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: November 8, 2021

    Guest: Tom Littleton. Topic: Rick Warren Praises NIH Francis Collins Who Reportedly Funded The Wuhan Lab. Topic: Brannon hosted numerous radio and TV shows and wrote numerous books since 2008 warning about Rick Warren. Countless pastors taught his propaganda and countless pro-family leaders defended him. Brannon names the names of some of them and asks when they will be apolgizing for giving a wolf like Rick Warren credibility to devour the sheep?
  • Crosstalk: November 9, 2021

    This very sobering Crosstalk features information that’s being ignored by the major media, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, by pharmaceutical companies, and by members of the Biden administration who are supporting the vaccine mandates.
  • Chris Pinto: November 9, 2021

    ELECTION FRAUD: Chris discusses some of the top stories making headlines. The race for governor of Virginia is heating up, as the Democrats are accused of playing dirty politics with the tiki-torch stunt, aimed at making the Republican challenger, Glenn Youngkin look like a white supremacist. Will it cost Terry McAuliff the race. And if the assertions of former President Donald Trump are true, that the 2020 election was rigged what could that mean for the rest of America's elections; Has the whole system been hijacked by Marxist-style election fraud; Also discussed is the private meeting Joe Biden had with Pope Francis at the Vatican. American journalists were forbidden from being present during the initial meeting (something ordinarily permitted). What might be the reason why?
  • John Loeffler: November 8, 2021

    People in positions of influence have warned America’s leaders for years that we are woefully unprepared to fight against China or Russia militarily or in the cyber warfare arena.  Have our leaders listened?  Back with us this week is David Pyne, Deputy Director of National Operations for the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security.  He points out that our leaders are not listening but he has solutions for them anyway should someone eventually take heed.  He lays out several different actions needed to shore up our defenses and hopes that it won’t take a devastating attack against our country for them to be implemented.
  • Crosstalk: November 9, 2021

    Below is a sample of stories Jim presented to listeners from the news desk:

    –Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe for the governorship in Virginia.

    –Winsome Sears, a veteran of the U.S. Marine  Corps, gave glory to God in her victory speech after winning election as Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor. Banner