All Episodes

  • Crosstalk: July 2, 2021

    Despite being defeated on HR1, S1 and S2093, the attempts by the federal government to take over elections is intensifying with yet another piece of legislation known as the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. According to Mat Staver from Liberty Counsel, the tenets of this legislation are actually worse than what we’ve previously seen.
  • Brannon Howse: July 1, 2021

    China is taking over America. Topic: China’s influence and that of the communist worldview has taken over the White House, Pentagon, Justice Department, FBI, media, Hollywood and America’s educational system. Topic: Brannon explains why he believes the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is either stupid, compromised or both. General Milley not only defended the cultural marxism of Critical Race Theory but before a Congressional committee he accused all the the south in America of being a hot bed of racism and did so by revealing his complete ignorance about U.S. history and the 3/5 compromise. Topic: Japan warns America that China and Russia could carry out another Pearl Harbor attack on Hawaii. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 1, 2021

    10 Principles to National Renewal: The 3 Foundations of Integrity. Topics discussed include: The Necessity of Integrity. God Raises Up. A National Unifying Vision. Acting Under God’s Authority.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 1, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have two of his Broadcast Partners join him at the Broadcast Table. First, Ron Morro, a financial analyst, comes to report on the Israeli Central Bank who has tested a digital shekel, a crypto-currency, for use in the Jewish State of Israel. Then, John Rood comes to gives us his European Union Up-date. These are two very reports that you don't want to miss.
  • Crosstalk: July 1, 2021

    The push for a globalist order has been going on for a long time. However, it was a shock to many when on September 11, 1990, President George Herbert Walker Bush gave a speech before a joint session of Congress touting just such an order.
  • Brannon Howse: June 30, 2021

    Absolute Peril: Retired Admirals and Generals Call on Americans to Resist The Marxist Revolution Facing America. Topic: General Michael Flynn, General Thomas McInerney, General Joe Arbuckle and Col. Lawrence Sellin are featured in this new one-hour television special representing over 180 retired flag officers warning about the Marxist revolution facing America. Topic: From the threat posed by Communist China to the bio-weapon of Covid-19 manufactured by Communist China to the Marxist takeover of America’s educational system, media and Hollywood, these flag officers offer the American people an action plan. Topic: 180 flag officers warn about America’s lack of election integrity.
  • Sam Rohrer: June 30, 2021

    Critical Race Theory and Christian Education. Keith Wiebe and Gary Dull are joined by Jamison Coppola (American Association of Christian Schools). Topics discussed include: What is Critical Race Theory? The Danger of Critical Race Theory in Education. How Christian Education Should Handle Critical Race Theory. A Biblical Perspective Towards Race.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: June 30, 2021

    It's that time of the week for Dave Dolan to come to the Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, and give us his Middle East News Update. Today's report will include the attitude of Israeli Prime Minister Bennet, and other Israeli leaders, on the recently elected President of Iran, known as the "Butcher of Tehran"; PM Bennet and President Biden on a collision course over the dividing of the City of Jerusalem; and Palestinian children, and teenagers, being trained in military activities in Palestinian "Summer Camps" so they can enter the "armed struggle" against the Jewish State of Israel. These "summer camps" partially funded by the United States.
  • Crosstalk: June 30, 2021

    Yesterday, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson held a press conference inviting several members of the public to present their first-hand accounts concerning their adverse reactions to the COVID-19 shots. Speakers included Cheryl Ruettgers, Candace Hagen and Kristi Dobbs. Others included Stephanie de Garay, whose 13 year old daughter volunteered for the Pfizer trial, and Brianne Dressen, a preschool teacher.

    These individuals are pro-vaccine and pro-science. So why are such individuals being ignored by the mainstream press and social media? The stories are emotional while the statistics presented by Senator Johnson create a statement of their own.
  • Brannon Howse: June 29, 2021

    Guest: Pastor Artur Pawlowski: Canadian Pastor Faces Four Years In Prison For Holding Church Services. Topic: Pastor In Poland, Pawlowski’s grandparents confronted the Nazis and he and his parents confronted the Communists being the Iron Curtain. Today in Canada the elected officials and police are acting like Nazis and Communists as they shut down churches and arrest pastors and political opponents. Pastor Pawlowski tells of his arrest, strip search and being chained to a wall for three days. On the morning of this interview Pastor Pawlowski found out he could face four years in prison for keeping his church open during the Covid scamdemic. Topic: Pastor Pawlowski tells of how politicians that are filmed and photographed drinking and partying without masks and no social distancing but are not ticketed or arrested. However, political opponents that attend freedom rallies are thrown in prison. Topic: Pastor Pawlowki explains why he is on a speaking tour in America and why he believes only Americans can stop the global slide into tyranny in which the world is now descending.
  • Chris Pinto: June 29, 2021

    Chris discusses a new story from the Jesuit’s America Magazine, where the order reveals a recent letter in which Pope Francis “encourages Jesuit Father James Martin in his L.G.B.T. ministry.” In this episode, we discuss the unorthodox views of James Martin, along with the long history of support for the politics of the homosexual movement, that dates back to the 1960’s and 70s. We discuss the Jesuit priest, John McNeill who is often called a “prophet” by the gay community, because of his pioneering work that helped to begin the process of normalizing homosexuality in the churches and American society. While the Vatican is often portrayed as being “old fashioned” in its ideas of morality, is the role of Rome in advancing the breakdown of moral values in the West underestimated?
  • Sam Rohrer: June 29, 2021

    Leveling the Playing Field & The “Woke” Military: Prepare for War? We are joined by Leo Hohmann (Investigative Reporter, Independent Freelance Journalist). Topics discussed include: American Pastor Goes to Jail. Russia & China Preparing: The U.S. Gutting. Biden and Leveling the Playing Field. Preparation Basics.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: June 29, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring Ken Timmerman to the Broadcast Table to discuss geopolitical events in this world that may well be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled, in the near future. Jimmy and Ken will discuss the new President of Iran, or otherwise known as "the Butcher of Tehran"; then they will look at the alliance between Russia, Iran, and Turkey, which is a page out of Bible Prophecy; and finally, world leaders are meeting in Berlin to set a strategy for the future of Libya. Each event in this discussion with a great prophetic significance.
  • Crosstalk: June 29, 2021

    In Hebrews 11 you’ll find listed a great hall of faith. There are names like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Rahab and others. However, often neglected are those who were martyred for their faith.

    The concept of martyrdom is a foreign concept to those of us who live in prosperous America, yet even today there are those around the world who are laying their lives down for the cause of Christ.

    The day of the Christian martyr is June 29th and joining Jim to discuss it was Todd Nettleton. Todd is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for Voice of the Martyrs. He’s host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio and author of, When Faith is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians.

    We have the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians in November. This is the day to pray for Christians who are still facing persecution. But what if there was a day where Christians looked at the examples of those who paid the ultimate price and lost their earthly lives for the sake of Christ and advancing his kingdom? This is how the Day of the Christian Martyr came to be. June 29th was chosen because according to church history, this is traditionally the day that’s recognized when the execution of Paul is said to have happened outside the city of Rome.

    Sometimes people falsely believe that since they’re a child of God, God is obligated to keep them from harm. Todd noted that the book of Acts exposes that narrative as false. He also pointed out how Jesus explained that the world hates him and if you follow him, the world will hate you too. So the idea that following Christ will make us popular or safe is contradictory to what Christ promised. However, Christ does tell us not to worry about that because he has overcome the world.

    As this program moved along, Jim had Todd fill listeners in on the following:

    The story Rocio Pino who was shot on her doorstep by Marxist Guerrillas.
    The new president in Iran. What will he mean for human rights and why is Christianity growing there?

    An Iranian police chief gives out copies of the New Testament!
    News concerning Mozambique, Pakistan, China and more.
    Input from listeners rounds out the broadcast.
  • Brannon Howse: June 28, 2021

    Topic: President Trump unloads on voter fraud in the 2020 election as the crime of the century. Brannon discusses the nine hours of television broadcasting he did on Saturday that included interviewing General Flynn, Sidney Powell, AZ Senate Majority Whip Senator Sonny Borrelli and many others as he dipped in and out of the Trump rally in OH. Topic: Dr. Douglas Frank of Absolute Proof speaks at the Trump rally. Topic: Newsweek reports on Brannon interviewing Sidney Powell and her statement that the 2020 elections can be decertified by state legislatures. Topic: Mike Lindell to hold cyber symposium and reveal packet captures. What does this mean? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: June 29, 2021

    Dr. Pry, a life-long skeptic of UFOs, discusses the recently released (June 25) report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” (UFOs) that have been seen and detected by highly advanced U.S. radars and other sensors in recent years, over 144 unexplained sightings. Dr. Pry condemns the report as a cover-up that does not do justice to compelling intelligence reports (like the so-call “tic tac” UFO) that cannot be so easily explained away. The ODNI report should have talked to NASA, acknowledged at least the possibility that these craft are “not of this world."
  • Sam Rohrer: June 28, 2021

    COVID Fear or Fact: A Candid Q & A with My Family Doctor. We are joined by Dr. Gordon Donaldson (MD, Morgantown Family Practice). Topics discussed include: Where We Really Are. The “Virus”, “Shot”, and Treatment.
  • John Loeffler: June 28, 2021

    Critical race theory and its toxic message is very much in the news but few people know the real impact that it’s having. First up this week is Anna Miller (, Education Policy Director at the Idaho Freedom Foundation. She explains exactly what CRT looks like when it’s implemented and it’s worse than you think. In an Idaho school system, officials have introduced an equity toolkit to promote social justice and label students and teachers as inherently racist. This is the latest in a long line of totalitarian theories that have pushed into schools to indoctrinate children, but parents are beginning to wake up and push back.
  • Crosstalk: June 28, 2021

    Jim had details on the following stories and much more on this week’s “Round-Up” broadcast:  

    –Almost 160 people are unaccounted for after a 12 story beach-front condo north of Miami collapsed killing at least 4.

    –Senate Republicans blocked the Democrats massive election overhaul Tuesday   with a filibuster.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: June 28, 2021

    In the public debate arena, today in America, the issue of "critical race theory" is the number one issue. As is the custom for Jimmy DeYoung, here on PTIB, he will often have a conversation on an issue with Dave James. Today Dave will come to the Broadcast Table, and join Jimmy on the issue of "critical race theory". This is an issue, key to the daily walk for any and all Christians. Jimmy and Dave will give you a definition of the phrase, "critical race theory". Then they will discuss how a Bible-believing, born-again Christian should deal with this issue.
  • Brannon Howse: June 25, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: The new Israeli government is having difficulty staying afloat, as their first week sees powerful opposition. Topic: Hamas has 10,000 "suicide bombers", in place ready to attack Israelis, supplied by the " Mother's Martyr Cult”. Topic: Jordan drops out of its partnership with Israel in the "Red-Dead Project” Topic: The Iranian Presidential Election brings to power Iran's most radical hardliner, the "Butcher of Tehran” Topic: Brannon plays audio from the second America’s Frontline Doctors town hall meeting that WVW-TV produced with Dr. Simone Gold and Michelle Malkin.
  • Sam Rohrer: June 25, 2021

    Biden, G7, and the China Dilemma. We are joined by IQ al Rassooli (Author; Iraqi now living in exile). Topics discussed include: The European View of Biden at the G7. The G7 and the China Dilemma Failure. The G7, Iran, and a threat to Mid-East Peace.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: June 25, 2021

    One of the most listened-to Prophecy Today Broadcast is the one that has Dave Dolan at the Broadcast Table giving us his Middle East News Up-date. Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave to the Broadcast Table with Dave's MENU.This time this report includes a report on the possibility of a "civil war" in Israel. This will be a battle between the "secular Jews and the religious Jews", of Israel. This civil war will result in a "two-state" solution, both States will be Jewish.
  • Crosstalk: June 25, 2021

    An incremental, systematic approach has been underway in the educational system for many years and its fruit is abounding.  20 years ago, many were shocked when VCY America learned that the Milwaukee, WI, public schools had a gay and lesbian advisory committee that met monthly. Banner