All Episodes

  • Jimmy DeYoung: May 19, 2021

    Today is a "Special Edition" of PTIB--"Israel At War". Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Winkie Medad who will give us the latest details on this major conflict on the Temple Mount, in the entire City of Jerusalem, in many of the Cities of the Jewish State, and at the Israeli-Gaza Strip border. Jimmy and Winkie will also discuss the effect that Ramadan and Jerusalem Day played in the conflict; the IDF approach to stopping Hamas in the Gaza Strip; and how the War is affected by the political chaos and the forming of a new government in the Jewish State.
  • Brannon Howse: May 18, 2021

    Guest: Alan Jones and Mary Fanning. Topic: CIA Whistleblower says technology provided to FBI was sold to America's enemies by the deep state and used to hack SolarWinds and Colonial Pipeline. Whistleblower says the US electric grid, nuclear power stations at high risk. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: May 18, 2021

    Dave Dolan's Middle East News Up-date today on PTIB is an update on the expanding war between the Israeli's and the Palestinians. Jimmy DeYoung and Dave will discuss Israel ruling out a truce with Hamas; Israel launching a ground and air attack on Gaza; the world media distorting the real news from Israel; and in fact, the world media fueling the conflict, with their reporting; and the ultimatum issued by Hamas for the Jews to leave the Temple Mount or they will be bombed by hundreds of Hamas missiles. Stay tuned for the latest from Israel.
  • Brannon Howse: May 17, 2021

    Guests: General Thomas McInerney, Matt DePerno, and Patty McMurray. Topic: 120 Generals Sign Letter Warning America is Rolling into Socialism. Topic: Matt DePerno joins us to discuss breaking news out of Antrim County Michigan. Matt held a press conference today that Patty attended. Patty reports that Matt's investigators have allegedly figured out how “anyone who has access to the election tabulators” can “reopen the election, run more ballots through the tabulator, print off a new tabulator tape, with the new ballots, and backdate that tape to November 3rd.” Topic: Where is the FBI, and DHS? They are too busy setting up patriots as so-called domestic terrorists.
  • Crosstalk: May 18, 2021

    Living in this era of pandemics, economic chaos, natural disasters and political strife, you may be tempted to question whether God is in control. Yet when you look in the Bible, you’ll find that the events we see taking place are actually signaling that His promises will soon be fulfilled.
  • John Loeffler: May 18, 2021

    Israel is very much in the news right now but the media narratives are not matching the facts on the ground. We open our Israel focus this week with John’s analysis of what’s happening there versus the spin you’re getting from the news. He looks at the Temple Mount riots, the violence in East Jerusalem, and rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel and Israel’s response.

    We then move to an often-pushed narrative in the media and on college campuses that Israel is an apartheid state. Here this week is someone who has lived in both South Africa and Israel, Reverend Malcolm Hedding, Associate Minister of World Outreach Church. He describes what conditions were like for blacks living under apartheid and what life is like today for Palestinians in Israel and there is positively no comparison. He also looks at how social justice in Western schools has led to the Israel apartheid narrative.

    What is critical race theory and how has it affected students in our public schools? Rounding out the show this week is Clare Lopez, Member of the Citizens Commission on National Security. She looks at what critical race theory is and how it is actually creating division and racism rather than attempting to stop it. Why would anyone perpetuate this type of narrative? Because there is a deeper, more nefarious plan afoot, to seize power and fundamentally transform society.

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    Steel on Steel, hosted by John Loeffler, offers daily Christian-perspective news analysis and worldview apologetics covering a wide variety of timely subjects including: news and current events, economics and politics, as well as constitutional and civil rights issues. We also discuss matters of cultural trends, Biblical faith, worldviews and philosophy, scientific advancement and technology - and how all these interact to shape the world we live in. 

  • Sam Rohrer: May 18, 2021

    Biblical Standards for Civil Leadership: Does Character Count? Topics discussed include: Biblical Standards for Civil Leadership. What Happens when Civil Leadership Doesn’t Obey God? Developing Biblical Leadership in Government.
  • Sam Rohrer: May 17, 2021

    The Globalist’s ‘All-Out’ Assault on Children. We are joined by Leo Hohmann (Investigative Reporter, Independent Freelance Journalist). Topics discussed include: Why Children? Exposing the Larger Child Strategy. COVID Injections and the Kids. Protecting Our Children.
  • Crosstalk: May 17, 2021

    Provocations against Israel by the group known as Hamas broke out beginning Monday of this week and they continue.  Dr. Daniel Aschheim, Consul for Public Diplomacy for the Israeli Consulate for the Midwest, spent a few minutes with Jim by phone to update listeners on this issue.
  • Brannon Howse: May 14, 2021

    Secretary of Defense Taps Communist Tied Radical To Purge U.S. Military of Patriots. Topic: Who is Bishop Garrison? What organization has he served on the board of that is pro-Communist? Topic: What will the Communist seek to do once they purge the U.S. military of patriots? Topic: Mary Fanning joins us to discuss the report that the board of elections in Maricopa County did not have the administration passwords to the Dominion voting machines. So who was running the election? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: May 13, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: 120 Generals write an open letter talking about election fraud during the 2020 election as well as America being compromised by Marxism. Brannon explains how the leadership of those that appeared and produced Absolute Proof, Scientific Proof and Absolute Interference has lead the way in encouraging many leaders to now come forward and join the chorus to save America. Topic: Andy Woods joins us to discuss the rocket being shot into Israel by Hamas. Topic: Hear the audio of a news report from Australia and SkyNews reporting on the brutal assault and arrest of a 71 year old evangelics in the UK for quoting the Bible on the issue of marriage. Topic: Jesuit and Marxist Pope Francis calls for the suspension of property rights. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: May 14, 2021

    On Tuesday of this week, 20 governors sent a letter to the president and vice-president urging immediate action regarding the border crisis. This comes as no surprise as the Biden administration is busing and flying illegal immigrants to cities across the nation, while young children are being abandoned in severe heat. A shell game is going on with children being moved from place to place to give the appearance of empty child migrant facilities.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: May 14, 2021

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung will bring to the Broadcast Table his Broadcast Partner Winkie Medad to give us an update on the Israeli elections. This is an unbelievable situation in the Jewish State. Then Jimmy will have Winkie explain the significance of the 54th Anniversary of Jerusalem Day. This report will shine a light on the God's plan for the City of Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
  • Chris Pinto: May 14, 2021

    Chris discusses the current gas crisis across the East Coast as it is reported that a Russian criminal computer-hacking group known as “DarkSide” is now responsible for sabotaging the Colonial Pipeline system that provides fuel for states stretching from Texas to New Jersey. It might be interesting to note that four of the states affected were recently listed among the “top five” most free states in the union — states that people are fleeing to in order to escape left-wing policies. The impact on gasoline also serves the interests of radical environmentalists who have wanted to get rid of fossil fuels for years. Could this be just a coincidence? Also discussed is the testimony of more then “120 retired flag officers” who have called upon Americans to “save America” and to hold those currently in office accountable for their actions. The statement from these high-ranking generals and admirals says that our country is “in a fight for our survival” against the supporters of Marxism.
  • Andy Woods: May 13, 2021

    Is there a relationship between national security and a porous border enforcement policy? Is it true that jihadists from Middle Eastern countries have actually joined the migrant flow through South and Central America thereby entering our country through America’s southern border? To help separate fact from fiction concerning this volatile issue, in this special edition of Pastors’ Point of View, Dr. Andy Woods interviews border expert Todd Bensman. Be prepared to adjust your volume up some around the 12 minute and 30 second mark.
  • Crosstalk: May 13, 2021

    Since the outbreak of COVID-19, a transformation of the world has taken place. Businesses in America were forced to close their doors as the government determined who was “essential” and who wasn’t. Schools were closed, relationships have been challenged, surgeries deemed “nonessential” were prohibited and more.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: May 13, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring two of his Broadcast Partners to his Broadcast Table, both with very important reports. First, John Rood has his European Union Up-date. The EU is a key region of our world. Then, Dr. Don DeYoung will join Jimmy to explain the term "space junk". Don and Jimmy will also talk about items falling out of the heavenlies, to the Earth, in the future. These items will be "stars" falling onto the Earth in the seven-year time period called the Tribulation Period. These stars are literal stars that will fall to the Earth, sometime in the near future.
  • Brannon Howse: May 12, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry. Topic: Did Russia and China Hack The Colonial Gas Pipeline? Dr. Pry explains why he believes Russia and/or China is behind the cyber-hacking of the Colonial Gas Pipeline. Topic: Dr. Peter Pry explains the new way of warfare and why Russia is likely testing the Biden Administration. Topic: Brannon gives the back story of the very successful Frank rally at the Mitchell, South Dakota Corn Palace. From the motor coach drive up, to the set up and the live streaming by Brannon and Logan to One America News picking up their live feed, to Jimmy Kimmel lying about the attendance numbers. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: May 7, 2021

    Guest: Terry Turchie. Topic: Terry Turchie and Brannon discuss brainwashing. Topic: How the communists infiltrate our national security agencies. Topic: Why the FBI stopped monitoring the Communist Party USA and how the FBI now assists in the rise of the Islamists and Communist within our intelligence agencies and government. Topic: Former high ranking FBI leadership endorse book by Terry Turchie and warn about Communist infiltration into our nation. Topic: How the Communists are setting up capitalists to blame for our nation's woes. Topic: How the government is paying Americans not to work. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: May 12, 2021

    Did Russia Just Hack The Colonial Pipeline in the United States? Could Russia and China have worked together to send a message to America? Is America on the verge of a massive cyberwar with Russia and could Russia win that war?
  • Peter Pry: May 9, 2021

    Biden Administration is Failing at National Security. Listen as Dr. Peter Pry explains the threats the Biden Administration is opening up on America.
  • Erwin Lutzer: May 7, 2021

    In all of history, no one has ever manifested the authority Jesus had. People were either drawn to Him, or they wanted to kill Him. Even today, when encountering the real Jesus there is still no middle ground. Why is that?
  • Sam Rohrer: May 7, 2021

    New Beginnings: From the National Day of Prayer to the State of Israel. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: National Day of Prayer: The Beginning. Beginning Modern Israel: The Balfour Declaration, U.S. Resolution 322. National Prayers of Great Impact.
  • Crosstalk: May 7, 2021

    Here’s a selection of “Round-Up” news stories Jim featured on this National Day of Prayer:
    –North Korea responded to remarks made by President Biden last week when he indicated that the nuclear programs of North Korea and Iran present serious threats to the security of America and the world. 
  • Brannon Howse: May 6, 2021

    Guest: Terry Turchie. Topic: How The Cultural Marxists Compromised The FBI So They Could Bring Down America. Joining Brannon in studio is Terry Turchie, the former Deputy Director of the Counter Terrorism Division of the FBI. Topic: Brannon and Terry discuss how the FBI was fundamentally transformed under FBI Director Robert Mueller and FBI Director James Comey. Topic: What Americans must do to stop the Marxist revolution now underway in America. Topic: We take your calls. Banner