Brannon Howse: Aired April 1, 2011


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On March 31, 2011, Brannon received an e-mail from a long standing and nationally known Christian leader asking him to apologize for calling out a certain evangelical leader for partnering with the New Apostolic Reformation Leadership. While Brannon will not reveal the name of the leader, he will share a portion of that letter and then read his letter of response. Todd Friel is Brannon’s guest to provide his Biblical analysis of what all this says about the Church in America and how Christians should respond. Here is a portion of Brannon’s letter in print: "The mixing of evangelicals with false prophets for the sake of the culture war is really an offense to the Gospel. God is not dependent on us to violate Biblical principles in order to be successful at restoring righteousness. How can we restore righteousness through an unrighteous manner? How can we hope to restore Biblical principles within government when we have willingly violated Biblical principles within the church? The end does not justify the means. The culture war is really the byproduct of a spiritual battle and the spiritual condition of America. The church cannot confront the cultural and spiritual problems by compromising on Biblical and spiritual issues. God is watching and I contend that our efforts are being thwarted by God as Divine judgment for setting aside Scriptural warnings and uniting with false teachers in spiritual enterprises intertwined with our Christian activism. If Biblically sound Christians stand together for righteousness in the public square and yet we lose we still win because we were able to lift up the gospel in our Godly efforts. However, if Christians compromise the gospel and unite with false teachers in spiritual and political enterprises, regardless of the political outcome, we will have lost because we gave credibility to false teachers and their false gospel. I believe this is Satan’s strategy. Satan has moved his false teachers into our camp as a religious Trojan horse and Christian leaders have embraced the Trojan horse of false teachers because they love liberty and freedom more than the gospel; more than God’s Word. Our willingness to lose our liberty and freedom and to even be enslaved before we compromise the gospel is how we can win and win for eternity. Such reckless abandonment for Christ is what God can choose to bless. I guarantee you that God is not going to bless with greater freedom and liberty an American church and its leaders that are embracing religious syncretism, compromise, and apostasy. Christians uniting with the NAR crowd and false teachers not only keeps God from blessing our efforts but it damages our testimony to the unsaved world that is watching. I have been reading numerous secular websites over the past few days and many of the unsaved are openly writing that they cannot believe that evangelicals are uniting with what even they know are false teachers. How sad that the unsaved world is stunned by our compromise.
Now we see the religious right, the GOP, Glenn Beck, the NAR, the Tea Party and the dominion theology crowd converging for the sake of political spoils. Christians that partner with false teachers and in spiritual enterprises and think they are defending liberty for the sake of the gospel are actually compromising the gospel for the sake of liberty. I appreciate the opportunity to answer your concerns but I believe you owe it to me to respond to a clearly stated theological and doctrinal response to your e-mail. Please tell me if you can or cannot now agree that it is our job to warn the church when our Christian leaders embrace false teachers?"

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