Brannon Howse: Aired April 1, 2013


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Attorney, author of Web of Debt and banking expert, Ellen Brown joins Brannon to discuss what happen in Cypress with the confiscation of a percentage of private and personal bank accounts. Topic: Was what occurred in Cypress a global test? Topic: Cyprus type “bail-ins” are proposed in the 2013 Canadian government budget. Topic: On April 1, 2013, Megyn Kelly was explaining, on Fox News, why she believes a Cyprus event is a possibility in America as she quotes banking regulations. For instance, did you know that when you put money into a bank it is legally no longer your money and that you become an unsecured creditor? Topic: Ellen Brown also explains derivatives and how one bank alone holds derivatives exceeding the global GDP and another expert reports that the total value of derivatives in the world exceeds total global gross domestic product by a factor of 10. Topic: Why does it seem that the global bankers are almost encouraging people to take their money out of the banks and spend it instead of keeping it on deposit? Topic: How does the Bank for International settlements, G20, and Financial Stability Board play into all of this and how do the central banks of the world keep the nations of the world enslaved? Topic: Could the banking system’s collapse finally become a reality due to derivatives and could the purchase of nearly 2 billion rounds of ammunition by DHS be connected to a coming economic collapse that would rob Americans of their life savings? Topic: We take your calls.

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