Brannon Howse: Aired April 1, 2014


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On this installment of Ask Dr. John, Dr. John Whitcomb answers these questions: Question: In 1 Cor. 13:10, my pastor says “that which is perfect” is the Word of God, which we now have fully, and thus the sign gifts are no longer needed. Can you please explain this passage? Question: When we compare 1 Thess. 4:16 with Matt. 24:29, 30, it appears that the return of Christ does not occur until after the Tribulation. Is this correct? Question: Does Satan still have access to God as “the accuser of (the) brethren” (Rev. 12:10; cf. Job 1:6)? Question: Please explain from Scripture if the New Testament church is supposed to keep Sunday as the Sabbath rather than the seventh day. I cannot find any Scriptural reference stating that the fourth commandment was done away with or that it applies only to the Jewish people. I cannot find any credible Scriptural evidence that the seventh day Sabbath was changed to Sunday. Question: I have a friend who is being led astray by teachers who use Scripture to promise that speaking the name of Christ will bring healing. He has gone on week-long seminars and retreats with them, and it is affecting his marriage. I fear the day when he faces some condition that will not go away on his command and his faith is shaken. I do not know how to confront him without coming across as having weak faith. Question: How would you encourage someone who is suffering with a life-threatening illness?

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