Brannon Howse: Aired April 10, 2013


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Topic: Brannon explains why he is thankful for the “Baby Boom” generation of Christians and what will it mean for the church if the Lord does not return before this generation goes on to glory? Topic: Homeschool publishers and private Christian schools are conforming to federal education standards tied to United Nations. What many of us that were writing and predicting in regards to Goals 2000 and America 2000 some twenty years ago is now coming to pass. Topic: A U.S. Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training report describes “evangelical Christianity” as examples of religious extremism. While Christians that stand for Biblical truth will be persecuted according to 2 Timothy 3:12; is it possible that the rhetoric of some of the New Religious Right plays right into the hands of the government? Topic: Hear the audio of what is reported by Rightwing Watch to be a talk show host for the American Family Association and Radio Network. In this audio this host makes a statement that Brannon believes could give the government cause to label Christians as “extremists when such statements are made. Brannon also believes the statement by this talk show host is a very poor witness to the unsaved world and a bad example to other Christians. Brannon describes that such a statement might reveal a real problem with how many self-professing Christians think. Brannon explains why such a statement is completely unacceptable and should be rejected and seen for what it is.

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