Brannon Howse: Aired April 12, 2011


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Brannon reveals the connection between Kundalini Spirits, The New Apostolic Reformation, the Word of Faith Movement, the growing false church and the coming-one world religion. Acts 20:28-31 warns that many false teachers will arise from outside the church and from within the church. 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 warns the church not to be deceived by another spirit just as the serpent deceived Eve. Kundalini Yoga is often referred to by the New Agers as “serpent power.” Video footage of the manifestations at the “Toronto Blessing”, the “Lakeland Revival” in Florida with Todd Bentley and other Word of Faith services look just like the manifestations of those practicing Kundalini Yoga in India. Is it indeed possible that the same demonic spirits within the Hindu religion are some of the same demonic spirits being manifested in the Word of Faith movement? This certainly gives more credibility to the idea that many within the New Apostolic Reformation Movement that claim to be talking to angels are indeed talking to demons. Brannon has predicted that Hindu pantheism and Hindu panentheism will play a major role in the one-world religion. The Hinduism within the protestant faiths, the Roman Church, and other major religions will be one of the common philosophies that contribute to the creation of the coming world religion.

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