Brannon Howse: Aired April 18, 2012


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Topic: Satan is very clever and Brannon explains how he believes Satan is using President Obama and Glenn Beck, along with Beck’s ecumenical friends, to achieve his ultimate goal of distorting the gospel and building a false church.

Satan’s strategy begins by using Obama to scare false converts, theologically weak Christians, and self-professing evangelical leaders right into the waiting arms of Glenn Beck and his ecumenical friends. Remember Glenn Beck recently returned home from a trip to the Vatican and wrote about his global spiritual agenda.

Brannon believes Satan’s controlling of the thesis, Obama, and the antithesis, Glenn Beck, has resulted in the accomplishment of one major goal which is driving evangelicals to embrace false teachers and their false gospel and their false Jesus which results in building the false church that Satan will use as described in Revelation 17.

Brannon believes one example of how all this is playing out can be seen in the activities of people like televangelist James Robison who praises the faith of Glenn Beck. Robison has also written a book with Catholic Jay Richards that contains a foreword written by Jesuit Priest Joseph Fessio. The book’s description fits the goals of the Jesuit Order as it declares that this book “needs to be set on a lampstand-of how Catholics and Evangelicals can and must work together at this critical moment in our country’s history.” Indeed this critical moments, or crisis, has been orchestrated in part by Obama who himself admitted that Gregory Galluzzo, a former Jesuit Priest, was a key player in his election in 2008.
It is very interesting how a Jesuit is on the side of Obama and a Jesuit is on the opposite side with the New Religious Right. This is how the Hegelian dialectic is played by the Jesuit Order as even documented by TIME Magazine in April of 1973.
The ultimate goal of the Jesuit Order is the deconstructing of absolute truth and deconstructing the opposition of Biblical Christianity in order to create a Counter Reformation and push Protestants to the ecumenical Church of Rome. Sadly, numerous “Christian” radio stations, networks, and New Religious Right leaders are interviewing and promoting the ecumenical agenda of James Robison, Jay Richards, and the Jesuit Priest that wrote their book foreword.
Many so-called evangelicals and New Religious Right leaders are also embracing former Catholic turned Mormon Glenn Beck who recently met with officials at the Vatican. Consider what has been accomplished by Satan through such men as Glenn Beck and Barrack Obama. Sadly, few individuals will have the needed understanding of history, philosophies, Scriptures, the Jesuit Order, or the Hegelian Dialectic Process to understand what is clearly taking place.

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