Brannon Howse: Aired April 2, 2013


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Brannon’'s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: I heard you teach on the radio that the Jews should have known that Jesus was the Messiah from the chronology of Daniel 9. But should they not also have known from his genealogy that He should have been Israel’s King? Question: How do the judgments of Matt. 13:41, 42, 49 and 50 fit with a pre-tribulational rapture of the true church? Question: According to 2 Thess. 2:3, 4, it sounds as though the rapture does not happen until there is a “falling away,” “and the man of sin is revealed” (NKJV). Don’t these things happen three-and-a-half years into the tribulation? How can the rapture be pre-tribulational? Question: As the end times draw near, many are making comparisons between elements of the world today and Hitler's Nazi Germany. Having served in World War II, what is your perspective on this? Question: Can you please explain more about the post-resurrection ministry of Christ in Acts 1:1-11? Question: I have a friend who always prays for our Father to cover us from head to toe in the blood of Jesus. This makes me uncomfortable. I feel Jesus shed His precious blood once for us, and to be covered in it does not feel right. It seems like these are charismatic words. Do you ever pray this way? How can I share with my friend that this may not be appropriate? Question: I recently said to someone at church that the Bible forbids tattoos and cutting. When I told them it came from Lev. 19:28 they said that I was being legalistic since we are not under the law. It has been my position that if our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit one cannot justify tattooing or cutting of one’s body. The issue is not what I am allowed to do, but rather is one’s heart seeking to please God? Am I being legalistic? Question: When children die, do they immediately go to heaven (like the thief on the cross in Luke 23:43), or must they still believe in some way? Question: Will the children born in the millennial period, who will retain their earthly bodies and their sin natures, have to accept or reject Christ? Question: Will all three persons of the Godhead be visible in heaven?

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