Brannon Howse: Aired April 4, 2011


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Christian authors, speakers, and pastors have appeared on DVD that teaches the law of attraction including David Barton. How can the people appearing on the DVD, “The Source of the Secret”, say you need to look behind the source of the false teaching to Jesus Christ or to God? What Jesus or God are they talking about? It is certainly not the Jesus or God of the Bible. The message that came across to those of us that watched the DVD and read the transcript is that the new age book and DVD the “Secret” was a positive thing but that people need to meet the “God” behind the law of attraction that was presented in the new age book and DVD. Does this not reveal just how far the church and its leaders in America have sunk? In I Kings 18:20-21 Elijah declared to the Children of Israel, who were seeking to follow God while also mixing their worship of God with pagan spirituality, that they must choose to whom they would pledge their allegiance. Elijah asked the Israelites "How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." Bob Harrison, "America's Increase Activist" appears on the DVD and proclaims, “Knowing that millions of copies of the Secret book and video have been sold, and people have listened to it and read, I feel it is a positive thing because it can introduce them to the Law of Attraction, one of the principles that cause them to have greater success. But the danger is it's not going to take them far enough unless they learn the Source.” How can it be a positive thing that people are reading false teaching? Never within the DVD is the gospel given. The message is simply that the source of the secret is God and that the original book and DVD the “Secret” did not go far enough. Shad Wehrli, Life Coach/Co-Creator of the "Source of The Secret" says, “the source to ‘The Secret” is God and a relationship with Him. He is the source for everything. And that's when I saw the initial ‘Secret’. I saw that it was incomplete because it talked about the universe but not The One who created the universe, talked about creation, but not the Creator. And so, I saw that it was absolutely incomplete. The source is God. I mean, after all, the Law of Attraction sounds good, but how can you have a Law without a Lawgiver?” The narrator concludes the “The Source of the Secret” DVD by saying, “The discovery of the Law of Attraction is just the beginning. The journey can and must go deeper. Be inspired to continue your own journey as you search for and discover the Source behind these laws. For when you seek, you will find. And, through this journey, come face-to-face with a loving God, the true Source of Life, Love, and all the good you have ever known.”

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