Brannon Howse: Aired on April 5, 2011


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Nationally known Tea Party leader in Rockford, IL has some questions for Glenn Beck’s historian David Barton. David Hale has recently appeared on Fox News because of his activities as the coordinator of the Rockford, IL Tea Party. Hale gives his first interview to Brannon about a letter he has publically released and sent to his long time “hero” David Barton asking him why he has not spoken about some of the founding fathers that were actually hostile to the gospel and foundational Biblical doctrine. Hale was impacted when he watched the video “The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers” by Chris Pinto. Hale said he did his own research to verify the facts presented in the documentary he watched. Hale makes it clear that he believes we did have some Godly founders but his concern is that the entire history be presented. Hale says that he himself wants to make sure that his focus is not “dominion theology” and that his loyalty is to Jesus and not John Adams. Hale believes that it is important that Christians not hold up certain founders as men of God that were actually hostile to Jesus Christ and that mocked foundational, Biblical doctrines and ridiculed Christians. Brannon inquires of Hale as to how the Tea Party movement is going to react to Hale’s new historical perspective. Brannon also plays an audio clip in which Barton says “that’s not where theology belongs is in the culture.” Does theology belong in the civic/cultural arena or only in the church arena? Theology is one’s view of God. Theology, philosophy and ethics determine a person’s values and worldview that they bring into the culture. Barton says he wants to promote a “God consciences” to the nation. If we do not use theology then how do we know which “God” we are talking about? Brannon makes the case that Christians must hold to Biblical theology in all areas of life but that does not mean that such Christians believe in dominion theology. To the contrary, sound Biblical theology makes it clear that Christians are not to build God’s kingdom on this earth for Jesus said in John 18:36 that His kingdom is not from here it is not from this world.

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