Brannon Howse: Aired April 9, 2012


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In 2010 Brannon warned that evangelicals that united with Glenn Beck in his Restoring Honor Rally, which was described as a spiritual event, would create a seismic shift in evangelicalism. Now, almost two years later, the evidence of that seismic shift is abundantly clear. Brannon explains how the Hegelian Dialectic process has been used to cause opposites to synthesis together and how those that do not embrace the new, spiritual group consensus or who point out the unbiblical nature of this synthesis are marginalized, attacked, rejected, and blackballed. One of the leaders Brannon was warning about in 2010 is now having Glenn Beck speak at his church this month, April 2012. Hear new audio of Glenn Beck on the TV program of James Robison talking about what he told 30 evangelical leaders in 2010 that helped to facility the acceleration of the convergence of evangelicalism with paganism. Brannon explains how what occurred with Glenn Beck in 2010 has caused many self-professing evangelicals to have no problem in 2012 with Kirk Cameron embracing Glenn Beck or with their own Christian Universities, Christian high schools and churches inviting New Age Mormon Glenn Beck to speak. Hear audio of Kirk Cameron explaining the unbiblical beliefs of Mormonism and then hear audio of Kirk talking with Glenn Beck about God in his recent film introduction. Kirk cannot say he does not know what Mormons believe and thus what is the reason for such compromise? Brannon explains how evangelical leaders have now conditioned self-professing evangelicals to embrace ecumenicalism and proponents of false religions for pragmatic reasons. The next two years will produce an even greater spiritual synthesis and syncretism between self-professing Christians and those that embrace another Jesus and another gospel.

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