Brannon Howse: Aired August 1, 2013


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Twisted Scriptures, Twisted Theology (Part #6) Verse: I Corinthians 15:22 is often used to claim that all people will be saved and no one will go to hell. What is the correct meaning of this verse and what other passages of Scripture confirm the meaning? Verse: II Peter 1:4 is used to declare that individuals are divine or are little gods. Brannon explains that being partakers of the divine nature of Christ is not the same as being a possessor. What other Scripture passages confirm this interpretation? Verses: Matthew 25:34-43 is often used out of context to say that Christians need to give their money away to the unsaved poor. What is the context of these verses and to whom is Jesus Christ speaking and who is He speaking about? Acts 3:6 is another example we can look at as Peter and John did not give money to the beggar at the gate of the temple but offered him something far better. Topic: We take your calls.

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