Brannon Howse: Aired August 14, 2013


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Two Topics Today: 1). Can a Christian ever bring legal action against a self-professing Christian? 2). Understanding the harm of gossip and tale bearing. Description: About a year ago Brannon received an e-mail from a mother that was a widow with children. This lady wanted to know how she should respond as a Christian after she said a financial advisor, that also claimed to be a Christian, had stolen several hundred thousand dollars in life insurance that she received when her husband passed away. Today Brannon takes an in-depth look at I Corinthians 6:1-8, explains the context and the steps of Mathew 18:15-17 that also need to be considered. Brannon explains that Paul instructs us to handle such issues within the New Testament Church if at all possible. The premise of I Corinthians 6:1-8 is that the church would hear both sides and render a verdict and thereby bringing justice to the one being defrauded. At times it is better for the sake of the gospel for one to be defrauded by either a self-professing Christian or even an unbeliever instead of taking them to court. However, some cases when meeting certain Biblical requirements may need to be turned over to a civil magistrate because a crime is involved and not just a personal offense or petty theft. God created church government and civil government and the Bible is very clear on the function and responsibility of both governments. What are Christians to do when most churches today will not preform church discipline or hear their claim? What does the Bible instruct if church discipline is practiced and the individual will not repent? At what point can someone be declared an unbeliever by their actions and the fruit evident in their life and thus be turned over to the civil magistrate? What can we learn from Paul in Acts 25:12 as he appealed to Caesar? When it comes to gossip; how has the internet created a huge problem even in the Christian community? Why do some discernment ministries and discernment divas seem bent on attacking Godly men on the most trivial and unbiblical issues that really come down to personal preference or non-essential Christian issues? What can we all learn when it comes to destroying arguments raised up against the principles of the Lord, as we are Biblically instructed to do in 2 Corinthians 10:5, versus destroying individuals?

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