Brannon Howse: Aired August 16, 2012


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Brannon plays clips from two sermons by Joel Osteen that reveal that he is embracing New Age teachings or what Brannon describes as “Christianizing Shamanism.” Brannon explains the very definition of Shamanism and then reveals how this is being embraced by “evangelicals” today. One message Osteen delivered at his church is on speaking your future into being and another is on speaking “I Am” just as New Age Mormon Glenn Beck has declared. Osteen also talks about how one’s words can stop God’s plan for your life. Why is this not true? Osteen quotes Scripture but Brannon explains how the Scripture is not just being quoted out of context but misquoted. Brannon also reveals a very encouraging call from a listener that explains how the truth of what Brannon has been explaining for the past several months has set her free from the oppression of the Word of Faith theology.

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