Brannon Howse: Aired on August 18, 2011


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Brannon’s guest is Carly Matrisciana. Topic One: Recently pro-family groups and neo-evangelicals have embraced and defended the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. Yet, according to IHOP’s website, Mike Bickle wants a book by a catholic mystic to be “the manual for IHOP-KC.” The IHOP website also offers a CD series by Bickle on “contemplative prayer.” Brannon and Caryl discuss the dangers of contemplative prayer. Topic Two: Are the manifestations of those that practice kundalini yoga identical to the manifestations of those involved in Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation “healing” services? How is “Christian” Yoga, contemplative prayer and the mysticism of Eastern mysticism connected? Why should Christians not be involved in mysticism? We also take your calls.

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