Brannon Howse: Aired August 22, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb: Question: What is the difference between an Apostle with a big A, of which this office closed and an apostle with a small a? Question: Who are the elect in Matthew 24:22?

Question: I was wondering if
Dr. John would explain John's baptism versus being baptized in the name of Jesus. One of the Scripture passages that talk about the two baptisms is Acts 19. Acts 19:1 speaks of Apollos who, if you read Acts 18:24, 25, spoke and taught accurately things concerning Jesus but that he knew only the baptism of John.

Question: In the parable of the Sower in Matthew, Mark and Luke, some state those whose seed fell where there were thorns which choked the Word are back-slid-den Christians and others say they are not Christians at all. Which is correct?

Question: There are 7 Beatitudes in the book of Revelation. The two anchoring Beatitudes are Revelation 1:3 and Revelation 22:7. I understand “Hears” it read, but what does the Holy Spirit mean by “Keeps” (Revelation 1:3) or “Lays it to heart” or “Keeps” (Revelation 22:7)? Memorize it? Meditate on it?

Question: Is it biblical for women to teach a teen or young adult class at church? Right now I teach Children's Church and I feel led to teach an older age group. But I don't want to violate God's Word if it says for a woman not to teach over a man. Can you clear this up for me?

Question: A well-known Bible teacher in his message yesterday spoke of the need to listen to God after we pray. Do we wait to hear what God is saying to us? Is this promoting contemplative prayer?

Question: Why is there no other reference in the Bible to the incident taking place in Jude 9?

Question: I am involved with a Bible reading group. We are currently reading through 1 Timothy. Some people started having issues with what Paul was instructing regarding women. One man wrote, "Paul was a leader in the beginnings of the church, but … His words are not necessarily God's commands." Another lady said she felt that these were local commands dealing with the culture of that day & not for all cultures or necessarily us today. Apparently there are many who don't accept Paul's words as quite as reliable as the rest of Scripture. I would have quoted 2 Tim. 3:16 but that is Paul speaking so I'm sure they would claim he wasn't referring to his own writings. How do you respond to such accusations?

Question: In Daniel 12:12 it says blessed is he who makes it to the 1,335 days after the abomination of desolation. How can there be 1,335 days – with the 1,290 days left in the great tribulation?

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