Brannon Howse: Aired August 24, 2011


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Guest: Chris Pinto. Glenn Beck in Israel declares, “This place, so modest, so small, is where God chose to first reveal himself to mankind, and God fills it with his majesty. For as long as man has known God, he has come here to Jerusalem to touch the mantle of the Divine. Three faiths, three paths to God, and while the paths sometimes take us away from each other, they always return here, to Jerusalem." Beck is speaking of the faith of Jews, Christians, and Muslims and Beck refers to the billions of God’s children. David Barton of Wallbuilders took part in Beck’s Israel rally and we found a donate button on Beck’s website that links back to Barton’s Wallbuilders website where people can make a donation toward the costs of the rally in Israel. Why would Barton and Wallbuilders be part of an event that is promoting pluralism and ecumenicalism? Hear the sound bites of some of Beck’s comments and then commentary by Howse and Pinto.

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