Brannon Howse: Aired on August 25, 2011


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Topic One: Contending for the faith is not negative as some believe. Topic Two: A Christian School in Jackson, TN is featuring an evening with ecumenical proponent and Mormon Glenn Beck on October 29, 2011. On October 3, 2011, the Southern Baptist, Union University, also in Jackson, TN, is featuring ecumenical proponent Tony Blair. Notice a trend? Evangelicalism and Christianity are being re-defined. Yahoo news on August 24, 2011 declared that Glenn Beck is a “conservative Christian TV commentator”. Topic three: The New Apostolic Reformation, The Emergent Church and the Church Growth Movement were all launched with the help of one organization called Leadership Network. Topic four: Hear an audio clip of Glenn Beck complaining that some Christians have questioned his salvation. Beck speaks of a Rabbi that only saw love and accepted him. Topic five: Brannon warns that the coming one-world religion will declare Biblical Christians as hateful, divisive, judgmental, intolerant, and an obstacle to unity because we are committed to the Biblical definition of what it means to be a Christian. The acceptance of men like Glenn Beck and Tony Blair by Christians, Christian leaders, and Christian organizations reveals that the Neo-evangelicals have been successful at redefining Christianity and getting most “Christians” to accept ecumenicalism.

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