Brannon Howse: Aired August 26, 2014


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Topic: John Piper tweets support for Mark Driscoll. Piper must not know what the Biblical requirements are for a pastor and a church based on his public embracing of Driscoll and his recent tweet that seems to imply that he desires to see a return of Driscoll to the pulpit? From Piper supporting Driscoll and Rick Warren what are we to make of how Piper is finishing his race? Topic: By Piper embracing Driscoll and his brand of church/pastor; has not Piper had a hand in encouraging the establishment of more unbiblical churches and pastors like Driscoll? How many churches have been transformed and destroyed because of Piper embracing Driscoll and Rick Warren? Topic: Mark Driscoll is taking a step down for six weeks according to numerous reports. Why does Brannon think this is all a public relations stunt? The first clue might be the news reports that a PR firm has been acquired to work with the congregation. Topic: Jesse Johnson wants to know why the people that are publically backing away from Mark Driscoll did not listen to the warning about Driscoll that many were giving 10 years ago. In fact, some of these same people now backing away from Driscoll were criticizing those that were warning about Driscoll 10 years ago. Topic: How and why is short-term missions often a waste of time and money and how can this problem be fixed? Topic: The Worldview Weekend Hour TV program on Beth Moore being a false teacher has gone viral in less than 24 hours. Why? What kind of response is Worldview Weekend receiving? Jesse Johnson responds to an audio clip of Beth Moore saying God told her to write something down and share it as often as she can. Topic: Who was mystic Brennan Manning and why has Beth Moore praised him?

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