Brannon Howse: Aired August 28, 2012


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Today’s Topic: Conquering Anxiety and Reclaiming Peace. Description: In today’s program Brannon looks at Proverbs 12:25 that reports that anxiety brings depression. Many people today are suffering from depression brought on by anxiety. The Bible tells us that anxiety can be brought on by worry. When we worry we are not having faith and without faith it is impossible to please God. Worry is a sin because it is calling into question God’s sovereignty, his power, his love and care for us. Every good gift comes from the Father above. Philippians 4:19 tells us that God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Jesus, speaking to His disciples tells them in Luke 12:22-32 not to worry and not to be anxious. In verse 22 Jesus says “do not worry”, in verse 25 He asks “which of you by worrying”, in verse 26 he asks “why are you anxious”, in verse 29 He says “nor have an anxious mind” and in verse 32 He says, “Do not fear.” Many things rob us of our peace such as a home that is filled with quarreling (Prov. 17:1, & 15:17)or worrying about money. Often our worry and fretting is due to selfishness and self-centeredness or misplaced priorities. In Luke 12:34 Jesus said, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Are we placing our treasure that includes our time, talents and money in service to God or service to self? Serving self does not bring joy but an empty return. Serving God and building his Kingdom in the spiritual realm brings great joy. In part two, that will be broadcast tomorrow, Brannon will reveal from the Scripture what gives peace, that indeed believers do at times feel despair and how to overcome such feelings.

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