Brannon Howse: Aired August 29, 2011


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Topic One: Now that dominionism is getting bad press suddenly members of the New Religious Right are claiming they have never heard of dominion theology. Pat Robertson said “What in heaven’s name is a dominionist?” Yet researches have a speech from 1984 where Robertson speaks of “We get ready to take dominion! It is all going to be our—I’m taking about all of it…” Topic Two: Glenn Beck’s rally in Israel might have something to do with the fact that the LDS “believe that before the return of Christ, that the gospel [Mormon gospel] must be taught to those who are in Israel, and the church must be legally established within those bounds.” Topic Three: Moody Radio Network guest praises New Age Mormon Glenn Beck? Moody Radio Network guest says Beck’s speech in Israel was comparable to a speech by Lincoln, JFK, and Winston Churchhill. Topic Four: Jack Kinsella attended Beck’s Israel Rally and put out newsletter stating that travel agency promoted by Beck was actually “a Latter Day Saints Church operation…We were tricked into providing money for use by Mormon missionaries that will lead people away from salvation rather than for it…”

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