Brannon Howse: Aired August 29, 2014


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Topic: Hear the audio of President Obama saying he has no plan to deal with ISIS and then hear the audio of Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK, the very next day, detailing his plan to deal with ISIS. Topic: ISIS Lap Top Found That Has Bio Terrorist Threat Detailed. Topic: Henry Kissinger writes an article on using the assembly of a New World Order. Topic: Israel - Hamas Ceasefire follows pattern set by Mohammed hundreds of years ago. Topic: Why we know the Marxist and the Muslims will unite in a huge war against their shared enemies. Topic: Iran has promised to arm Hamas and terrorist in Judea and Samaria. Topic: The world watches as the Islamic state kills hundreds and continues to spread across the Middle East. Topic: Islamic Radicals from the European Union and the United States are becoming more and more a threat to their homeland. Topic: We take your calls.

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