Brannon Howse: Aired August 7, 2013


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Twisted Scriptures, Twisted Theology (Program #9) Verses: Mark 9:38-40 has been used by some to say that someone like Glenn Beck is for us because he is not against us or against Christianity but this an incorrect use of these verses? In addition, we need to ask if these verses were confirming that that this unidentified man was casting out demons or doing miracles. Why are these important questions in relation to a consistent theology on signs wonders and casting out demons? Verses: Matthew 18:20. This verse that has to do with church discipline yet it is often used to say that we have to have at least two Christians present in order for the Lord to be among us. Verse: Acts 2:38 reads “repent, and let everyone be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins…” This is the proof text that many use to say that baptism is required for salvation. However, this verse is also a great example for the need to own a good set of Bible commentaries, a concordance, and to look up the wording in the original language, including the preposition which can change the complete meaning of a verse. Why is the verse not declaring that baptism washes away sins? If Baptism saves then why was Simon the sorcerer called an unbeliever even after he was baptized? Acts 10:47-48, reveals that the Holy Spirit filled the new believers after salvation and before being baptized not after being baptized. Verses: Acts 21:1-7 is about the widow’s mites which is often used by some pastors to manipulate their congregation into giving sacrificially. The widow is often used as a positive example to be followed but this is a completely unbiblical admonishment. In these verses the Lord is calling out the false religious system and the judgment that was to come.

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