Brannon Howse: Aired August 8, 2012


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Brannon's guest is Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: I know that it is completely unbiblical when people claim that Jesus took them to hell or showed them hell. But what would you say to those who have had near-death experiences and claim to have seen hell or something supernatural without Jesus involved – those who would claim to have seen their spirit out of their body, or have seen fire, heard screaming, etc.? Are such experiences biblically possible? Question: My friends and I were wondering if Scripture says anything one way or the other about cremation. Yesterday in the ladies Sunday school class the teacher stated that those saved in the tribulation will not be saved by grace but by works. Is this true? Question: In Matthew 5.21-24, who are the brothers that are being talked about? Is it fellow Christians or all mankind? Question: This is an area that confuses me, when I study Matthew 5:31, 32. Jesus said that a man cannot put away his wife unless on the grounds of adultery. I know that there is always room for forgiveness if that happens, but what if it’s so hard to forgive or the person who committed the act is not making it easy for one to move forward. Question: A difficult situation presented itself to me this morning. Just recently a couple bought the house next door to my husband and me. The husband is from India and a Hindu. The wife called me this morning to invite me to the blessing service tomorrow for the house. She described the service as a type of religious service. I accepted the offer initially and then sat down to pray about what to do. I want to start out right with my new neighbors but I do not want to offend God. I thought of many kinds of excuses that I could make to decline but rather decided to call the wife and explain that I was a devout Christian and felt it inappropriate to attend a Hindu blessing. I don’t think the wife took my explanation very well. It’s only a blessing for the house she said. What would you have done, Dr. Whitcomb? Question: I have wondered if it is idolatry to pledge allegiance to the flag. Growing up, we always did in Vacation Bible School, but it seems like it isn't right to pledge allegiance to anything other than the Lord. Question: I've heard a really well-known pastor talk about Christ being the "true" Israel. He does hold to replacement theology, but I've never heard it put that way before. What do you think are some of the promises of God that could not be fulfilled in Christ and have to be fulfilled in a literal
people, namely Israel? Question: My wife and I were concerned that our church has started having a "Prophet" come to our church every 6 months or so. He gives a sermon and has "commercial breaks" to call someone out to give them a word from God. You can also stay after and see him for a word from God. We don't think it's biblical and are concerned with where our church is going.

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