Brannon Howse: Aired December 13, 2013


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Topic: Russell Moore of the SBC tweets that the Pope was a great choice for man of the year by TIME. Topic: Brannon calls out Al Mohler for praising Mandela and calling him a hero and someone Christians should be thankful for even though Mandela was a Marxist and terrorist. Topic: Brannon explains that he has appreciated many Biblical stands by Albert Mohler but he is now concerned with some major issues concerning Mohler. Brannon called the office of Al Mohler two days ago and invited him to come on the program live to explain from the Bible why it is acceptable to call Mandela, a man that was hostile to the gospel, a hero. Brannon also wants Mohler to explain from the Bible why it is acceptable to sign the ecumenical Manhattan Declaration and Brannon wants to know if Mohler was aware that Russell Moore was so messed up theologically when Moore served on the staff of Mohler. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung schools Mohler on why he was wrong to call the former Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin a terrorist in a recent article. DeYoung explains to Mohler why Begin was not a terrorist. Topic: President and Prime Minister of Israel do not attend Mandela Ceremony because not welcome in South Arica. Topic: Israeli Defense Minister says every Iranian Embassy around the world is base for Terrorism. Topic: We take your calls.

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