Brannon Howse: Aired December 15, 2014


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Topic: When apologists that claim to defend truth undermine the Word of God. When apologists that claim to refute postmodernism actually promote it by claiming truth comes through experiences and mysticism. Today Brannon warns of a generation of young Christian worldview and apologetic instructors that admire and promote J.P. Moreland. Topic: Colossians 2:8 and 2 Timothy 4:4 warns against being deceived by the philosophies and fables of men. Yet, many of the neo-evangelicals teaching worldview and apologetics received their degree in philosophy which really means many of them know more about the opinion of men and very little about the Word of God. Topic: J.P. Moreland has declared, “In the actual practices of the Evangelical community in North America, there is an over-commitment to Scripture in a way that is false, irrational, and harmful to the cause of Christ. And it has produced a mean-spiritedness among the over-committed that is a grotesque and often ignorant distortion of discipleship unto the Lord Jesus.” The problem, he said, is "the idea that the Bible is the sole source of knowledge of God, morality, and a host of related important items. Accordingly, the Bible is taken to be the sole authority for faith and practice." Moreland believes extra-Biblical knowledge can be gained through "guidance, revelation, and so forth from God through impressions, dreams, visions, prophetic words, words of knowledge and wisdom." Topic: Hear the audio of J.P. Moreland speaking at a memorial service of mystic Dallas Willard. Moreland says he does not know where Willard ends and he begins and he has been relying on the writings of Willard for years to teach his students. Topic: We take your calls.

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