Brannon Howse: Aired on December 16, 2010


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Brannon's guest is Bob Knight of Coral Ridge Ministries. Topic One: The bill that will repeal the ban on homosexuals in the military has passed the House and is headed for the U.S. Senate. The Marxists have had the goal of compromising and weakening the U.S. military for years by brining homosexuals into the military and putting women into combat. Topic Two: The head of the U.S. Marines has said that repealing the ban on homosexuals in the military will cost limbs and lives. Topic Three: Tea Party backed Scott Brown says he supports U.S. Senate bill giving liberals 61 votes in the Senate. Topic Four: Twelve flaws of New START treaty that the U.S. Senate could ratify in this lame duck session. Topic Five: We take your calls.

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