Brannon Howse: Aired December 17, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. Randy White to discuss “forgiveness” but first Brannon shares his concern that the media and liberal elite are using the Connecticut tragedy to push for liberal laws that would too readily classify average Americans as “mentally disturbed.” The Department of Homeland Security has already classified people interested in end time Bible prophecy or people who are pro-life as potential terrorists. In his book Grave Influence that was released in 2009, Brannon predicted an increase in laws that would seek to classify conservatives and Christians as mentally troubled. Topic: The Bible says that if we do not forgive others. God will not forgive us. What does this mean? Topic: With the events that happened in Newtown, Connecticut, should Christians offer forgiveness to the shooter? Topic: Should I offer forgiveness on someone else's behalf? Topic: Is it okay for a person to ask forgiveness from God, but not ask for that forgiveness from the person they've offended? (You could segue into this question by saying that some people may want to "leave well enough alone" or "let sleeping dogs lie") Topic: when a person wants to ask forgiveness, what should they do? Topic: If a person is giving forgiveness, what are they pledging? Topic: Who should we forgive? Topic: If we have truly forgiven a person, does this mean we should be willing to enter into a relationship with them on future activities? Topic: What happens when we don't forgive? Topic: We take your calls.

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