Brannon Howse: Aired December 17, 2014


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Topic: Why is there a war on America’'s Police officers and how should Christians look at and speak to this issue? Topic: Should evangelical pastors be consumed with social issues and are some of them agitating much like the liberals on the left and thus becoming useful idiots for the liberal establishment? Topic: John Piper, Matt Chandler, and other evangelicals were in Memphis,Tennessee to hold a national online event. The press release for the event mentioned the tragedy in Ferguson, Missouri and declared: “"The fact that such heart-wrenching decisions have taken place some 50 years after the civil rights movement have left the children of those who marched in such places as Birmingham and Selma wondering if justice has not only been delayed, but has she finally and permanently been denied.”" This is very troubling because justice was not denied in that a grand jury that consisted of white and black citizens heard weeks of testimony from eye witnesses and chose not to indict. How is that a denial of justice? What would these so called pastors have done if they had been in the shoes of Darren Wilson and a young man attacked them while sitting in their police car and tried to take away their weapon and shoot them with their own weapon? Brannon explains why he believes that these so-called pastors are not only speaking from ignorance but actually playing right into the hands of the communist agitators and race hustlers. Topic: Should evangelical pastors like John Piper be evoking the name of Martin Luther King when we truly understand his worldview, promotion of socialism, immorality, and connection to the communist movement? Topic: Why are police departments having a hard time hiring the best candidates and retaining current officers and how could the problem be fixed? Topic: How do the courts today undermine the authority of police officers and parents? Topic: How should Christians look at the issue facing police today in light of the fact that God has ordained government and ordained law enforcement as ministers of righteousness to punish the wicked and reward the righteous? Topic: We take your calls.

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