Brannon Howse: Aired December 18, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: Most in my Bible study group were baptized as babies – some Catholic, some Lutheran. By the grace of God we are now believers and study His Word, and we are saved. Should we be baptized again, as we are now believers? Does it matter if it is by immersion or not? Question: I Cor. 7:14: If I am saved through Jesus Christ and my wife or children are unbelievers, are they saved through my salvation? Question: The church is described as the "Bride of Christ." What exactly does that mean? There is only one Jesus and millions or even billions of individuals making up "the church." Also, Jesus said we would not be married, but would be like the angels in heaven in our glorified bodies (cf. Matt. 22:30). So how does this resemble marriage? Will our intimacy in heaven be so complete that it will make physical intimacy obsolete? Question: I know that the church will not be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment, but will the church witness it as an observer? Question: What would you say about a church that invites a woman pastor to speak at a women's conference? The church does not have a woman pastor, but has invited one from another church. Question: We have some confusion on Genesis 1. How could we have an evening and a morning if the sun and moon weren't created until the fourth day? Question: How do we explain Peter in Acts 10:10 and 11:5 where it mentions Peter in “a trance"? Question: We are confused by Acts 10:34-35. Is this God calling the chosen? What is “righteousness”? Question: When does a person receive the Holy Spirit? Is it when we become believers or does every person have the Holy Spirit already prompting him to come to God through Jesus Christ? (See Acts 10: 44-48.) Topic: We take your calls.

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