Brannon Howse: Aired December 19, 2013


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Justin Peters joins Brannon to discuss how the New Religious Right are being sensational, undiscerning and missing the point in their defense of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Why was Phil giving an interview to and thus helping promote and sell magazines for a risqué magazine like GQ? Topic: Justin and Brannon address the crude and vulgar language that Phil used in his interview with GQ and why Phil should apologize for mixing such vulgar comments in with his Christian testimony. Topic: Is Christianity and the gospel well served by the comments by Phil? Topic: Phil falls short in a good Biblical definition of sin, the gospel and repentance when asked by the GQ writer. Phil also makes a false statement when he claims that if we just repent that everything will turn around. Yet, becoming a Christian does not guarantee for anyone that everything will turn around; not the culture, not the country, not your finances. In fact 2 Timothy 3:12 tells us that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Topic: What is happening to Phil is not an attack on free speech because A&E is a private company that can set their programming as they wish and it is not censorship as the government is not limiting the free speech of Phil. Topic: The sensationalism of the New Religious Right might get people to sign a petition and thus add to their e-mail list but thinking Christian are not falling for the hype and seemingly self-promotion of many evangelicals as they use this story to their own benefit. Topic: Our phone lines light up on this one.

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