Brannon Howse: Aired on December 2, 2010


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Brannon's guest for a second day is Carl Tiechrib. Topic One: Did fallen angels have sexual relations with humans according to Genesis six? Did this happen before as well as after the flood? Could it happen today and how could this play into the rise of Transhumanism? Topic Two: The John MacArthur Study Bible notes say "The sons of God, identified elsewhere almost exclusively as angels (Job 1:6, 2:1; 38:7), saw and took wives as the human race. This produced an unnatural union which violated the God-ordained of human marriage and procreation (Gen 2:24). Some have argued that the sons of God were the sons of Seth who cohabitated with the daughters of Cain; others suggest they were perhaps human kings wanting to build harems. The NT places this account in sequences with other Genesis events and identifies it as involving fallen angels who indwelt men (see notes on 2 Pet. 2:4, 5; Jude 6). Matthew 22:30 does not necessarily negate the possibility that angels are capable of procreation, but just that they do not marry. To procreate physically, they had to possess human, male bodies." Topic Three: What are the problems doctrinally with the sons of Seth idea? Topic Four: Americans are increasingly following New Age Spirituality and involved in Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, having Spirit or Master Guides (demons) they talk to and other occult activities. Could this lay the foundation for demons having a more active and physical presence in the lives of humans and how could this play into transhumanism with cloning and DNA and the creation of a post human? How could the acceptance of evolution and the increasing interest in extraterrestrial life, UFOs and now transhumanism actually be setting the stage for the Anti-Christ and much more? Topic Five: We take your calls.

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