Brannon Howse: Aired December 22, 2014


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Is America entering a stage of violent civil unrest combined with a coming financial meltdown? How has the financial crisis and civil unrest been fermented and for what purpose? How are the Neo-Marxists and Muslims working together to bring down America? Topic: Mayor De Blasio of New York is reported to have a history of working with radicals, Marxists, and anarchists and honeymooned in Cuba. Should we be surprised the mayor has made comments that seem less than supportive of the NY Police? Topic: Who is Frank Marshall Davis that mentored Obama and how did that influence Obama and the revolution that America seems to be going through now? Topic: Valerie Jarrett is from Chicago and is reported to be Obama's closest adviser in the White House and yet who were her father-in-law, and grandparents and how were they tied to extreme radicals according to a best-selling author? Topic: How has Attorney General Eric Holder helped to promote a racial divide in America? Are all these stories, individuals and families separate or actually all connected to a grand scheme and orchestrated movement and group going back to the 1940s to bring about a Communist revolution in America? Topic: We take your calls.

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