Brannon Howse: Aired December 23, 2013


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Topic: Communist publication warns that “Third Way” (also known as communitarianism) is undermining Obama agenda. This is further proof that there is a battle for power occurring between the communists and communitarians/Fabian socialists. Topic: This same communist publication admits that Nelson Mandela never changed but was always a communist that simply understood that revolutionary theory is far more subtle and sophisticated than the communism of the cold war. Topic: Hear a portion of the address by Al Mohler at the inauguration of Russell Moore that reveals that Mohler seems very supportive of Moore and his worldview. Mohler even quotes positively in his speech, Amitai Etzioni, the director of the Communitarian Network. More and more evangelical conservatives are starting to question all the red flags they are having with Mohler. Topic: Joel Osteen says many churches are small because they spend so much time discussing Biblical doctrine. Topic: We take your calls.

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