Brannon Howse: Aired December 23, 2014


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Today we present, Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Since the fall of man, is the physical deterioration of man getting worse as we get further away from creation? Question: What happens to the babies who are in the wombs of unsaved mothers when the rapture takes place? Will they be raptured or will they remain here? Could their departure have anything to do with the warning given in Matt. 24:19? Question: How should Christians approach the end of a year and the beginning of a new
year? Question: Will a person who becomes a Christian very late in life receive any rewards for their works if they lived a life devoted to good works for many years before being saved? Question: Does Satan know that he will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire? Question: Would it have been possible for Christ to come into the world without a Virgin Birth? Question: What are the greatest strategies for carrying out the Great Commission in our time? Question: What kinds of ministries will bear the most fruit in these troublesome times in which we live? Question: Is there significance to the three words describing the creation of man in Isa. 43:7? Is there a connection with the three parts of man's creation in Gen. 2:7? Question: Can you explain more about the eternal Sonship of Christ?

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