Brannon Howse: Aired December 27, 2010


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Topic One: Spiritual evolution says that no one goes to hell, all people are spiritually evolving and good and evil are merging to produce a better third option as people understand their Christ-consciences. The emerging realization and acceptance that god dwells in each person will be what they believe will usher in peace on earth, unity, equality, and social justice, also referred to as heaven on earth. This spiritual evolution is common in the worldview of the emergent church, New Age Spirituality, pagan spirituality, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Biblically minded and committed Christians that oppose this one world spirituality will be persecuted and seen as standing in the way of the needed spiritual evolutionary process that will bring unity, peace, and heaven on earth. For this reason, the false, dominate church will turn on true followers of Jesus Christ. Topic Two: Reverend Michael Dowd is training this false dominate church in following "Evolutionary Christianity". According to a press release, Rev. Dowd is holding a conference with 38 religious and scientific "luminaries representing Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Progressives, and both Integral and Emerging Church leaders…" Topic Three: Brannon plays two audio clips where Rev. Dowd says that through spiritual evolution there is no such thing as "one reality" and that god is really the cosmos of which we are all apart. Dowd says that through spiritual evolution all religions can stand side by side and that the followers of this spirituality can usher in a world of peace and justice. Dowd even quotes the Stoics to give his worldview credibility. The Stoics, which were New Agers, where part of the group that Paul was seeking to evangelize on Mars Hill.

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