Brannon Howse: Aired December 27, 2012


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Brannon reveals new evidence that he believes confirms that New Religious Right and evangelical leaders embraced a political Trojan horse when they endorsed Newt Gingrich for President in 2012. In early 2012, Brannon warned that Don Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association, Tim and Bev LaHaye and Pastor Michael Youssef, among others, were making a huge mistake to embrace Newt Gingrich for President as was reported by several news sources. It now seems Newt is publically revealing what the discerning and informed already knew about Newt as he calls for the Republican Party to compromise on same-sex marriage. Newt is reported to have said that he and the party should be ready to accept same-sex marriage if the distinction was made between, “a marriage in a church from a legal document issued by the state.” Where are the press releases now from Wildmon, the LaHayes, Youssef and other New Religious Right and evangelical leaders denouncing Newt’s worldview and apologizing to conservatives and Christians for what Brannon believes is their failure in leadership by endorsing Newt for President? Brannon plays sound clips from Newt and others to reveal that Newt’s worldview has been known for years to those that did their homework, were not committed to political pragmatism or jumped on the latest political bandwagon. Has the culture war of the past twenty years been lost partly because some of the leading culture warriors were deficient theologically and philosophically?

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