Brannon Howse: Aired December 4, 2014


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(Part Two) Topic: Georgetown Professor and Mentor of Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, explained how Cecil Rhodes would use his vast fortune to begin organizations and scholarship programs, of which Clinton was a recipient, for the purpose of creating a world government. Much that God has or has done, Satan seeks to duplicate. Satan has a false church, false gospel, false miracles, and he is seeking to build a false and earthly kingdom. Daniel two tells us that Satan will fail as the kingdom of God will come and crush the kingdom of Satan and the Kingdom of God will last forever. Topic: Brannon explains how the globalists are working under demonic influence to build a kingdom or world government for Satan. Occultist Alice Bailey, who openly wrote under the influence of a demon, detailed in her books how this kingdom would come about through what she called the New Group of World Servers. This group, among other things, sought to destroy Christianity. Topic: Cecil told those that were appointed to run his estate upon his death that they were to take the Constitution of the Jesuits and replace the words "“Roman Catholic Religion"” with the words “"English Empire".” Brannon explains how the goal of the globalists to decrease America and increase Europe is underway and fits with the Biblical prophecy of a revised Roman Empire. Brannon will continue this reporting in part three. Topic: We take your calls.

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