This is a continuation of Friday's program on how the globalist, environmentalist, and Fabian Socialists are co-opting the church. Topic One: Karl Marx said his "objective in life was to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." In their attempt to "dethrone God", the Communists have entered the churches and seminaries to teach unbiblical theology and doctrine. Solid Bible teaching pastors need to warn their congregations about the unbiblical theology and doctrine of communism that in increasingly merging with Cosmic Humanism/New Age Spirituality. Topic Two: Brannon reads a warning from the U.S. Air Force from 1960 that warned that Communists were trying to infiltrate the churches and pulpits of America. Topic Three: In 1961, then Assistant Director of the FBI warned in a speech in Dallas that the Communists were infiltrating the churches of America and that many pastors were going along with the agenda because they mistakenly believe that what Karl Marx believed and what Jesus Christ taught was very similar. Topic Four: 30% of the participants that worked on the Revised Standard Version of the Bible had Communist affiliations. Thus they went after key doctrines like the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ and changed "behold a virgin shall conceive" to "behold a young women shall conceive." Topic Five: We take your calls including a pastor from Madison, Wisconsin that reveals that so many of the problems in the American church are because so few pastors will preach Truth and name names. Listen to this pastor as he reveals what little courage and conviction he has when it comes to false teaching and the real purpose of a Shepherd.
Brannon Howse: Aired on December 6, 2010
This is a continuation of Friday's program on how the globalist, environmentalist, and Fabian Socialists are co-opting the church. Topic One: Karl Marx said his "objective in life was to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." In their attempt to "dethrone God", the Communists have entered the churches and seminaries to teach unbiblical theology and doctrine. Solid Bible teaching pastors need to warn their congregations about the unbiblical theology and doctrine of communism that in increasingly merging with Cosmic Humanism/New Age Spirituality. Topic Two: Brannon reads a warning from the U.S. Air Force from 1960 that warned that Communists were trying to infiltrate the churches and pulpits of America. Topic Three: In 1961, then Assistant Director of the FBI warned in a speech in Dallas that the Communists were infiltrating the churches of America and that many pastors were going along with the agenda because they mistakenly believe that what Karl Marx believed and what Jesus Christ taught was very similar. Topic Four: 30% of the participants that worked on the Revised Standard Version of the Bible had Communist affiliations. Thus they went after key doctrines like the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ and changed "behold a virgin shall conceive" to "behold a young women shall conceive." Topic Five: We take your calls including a pastor from Madison, Wisconsin that reveals that so many of the problems in the American church are because so few pastors will preach Truth and name names. Listen to this pastor as he reveals what little courage and conviction he has when it comes to false teaching and the real purpose of a Shepherd.