Brannon Howse: Aired December 8, 2011


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Topic One: Topic: Good news. Some of America’s most well-known evangelical and pro-family leaders and “Christian” broadcasters are clueless when it comes to false teachers but an up and coming group of young people are not. Hear the good news from Jason Carlson on how a group of students he trained for a week were telling him of their concerns about International House of Prayer and the New Apostolic Reformation. Topic: Chris Pinto joins Brannon to talk about how the Church of Rome helped to prop up Hitler and how the Vatican helped Nazi war criminals escape to South America. Brannon and Chris discuss how Hitler trained his SS troops actually mimicked how Ignatius Loyola trained his Jesuit Order. Topic: The New Religious Right seems to think contending for the faith means taking on Walgreens for saying happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Why this is not contending for the faith but actually a waste of time?

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