Brannon Howse: Aired December 9, 2014


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Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb. Dr. Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Can it be pinpointed as to when Satan and his angels fell? Question: Are there different strengths or ranks of demons? How do Mark 9:29 and Eph. 6:12 relate to this question? Question: Is it common for demons to possess people today? Do demons automatically leave a believer? Question: I have an adult autistic son. He has a genius IQ but his emotional age is that of a young child. I do not believe he really knows what sin is or who Jesus is. Will he be included in the rapture? I cannot imagine Christ leaving him behind, but I would like to be sure. Question: I feel grieved in my spirit that the church body as a whole today almost totally neglects the spiritual strengthening opportunities provided when the church sets aside a day specifically for us to draw closer to the Lord and to rest from the distractions of the week. Many go to church on Sunday but spend the rest of the day doing whatever they please, including shopping. It seems to me that the New Testament church has lost both the meaning and the benefit of keeping the Sabbath. How would you respond? Did the Church of Rome sidetrack us from keeping the Sabbath on the proper day? Question: Does the Old Testament teach Trinitarianism, or does it have to be imposed on the text? Would it be more accurate to say that the Trinity was present throughout the Scriptures, but may not have been fully understood—even by the authors? Question: Why did the Jews have trouble accepting the truth of the Triune God? Question: Does 1 Thess. 4:13-18 correlate to events in Matthew 24? It seems to me that Matthew 24 teaches a post-tribulation rapture. Topic: We take your calls.

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