Brannon Howse: Aired February 1, 2012


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Topic One: Why do some religious leaders embrace false teachers even after being given the evidence of their heretical and blasphemous teachings? Should not true Christians be convicted by the Holy Spirit about partnering with false teachers after being given the documentation of such? Brannon looks at the book of First John in regards to the description of false teachers and their deception that causes people to embrace them. Some self-professing believers that embrace false teachers may do so because they are false converts and the Holy Spirit does not convict them because the Holy Spirit does not live within them. First John describes how believers reject false teaching and false teachers and thus Christians need to make sure they are being sensitive to reject false teachers and if we are not then we need to examine our lives to make sure we are in the faith. Topic: Hear the audio of Alvin and Heidi Toffler that reveals their worldview and hear audio of Newt Gingrich promoting them and their ideas. Topic: “Apostle” C. Peter Wagner writes about the Senate and House in Delaware giving him a tribute on parchment-type paper with the seal of the Senate. When government and religious leaders embrace false apostles and prophets it only gives us an idea of how easy it is going to be for a future world leader and false teacher to also be embraced by religious and governmental leaders. Topic: We take your calls.

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