Brannon Howse: Aired February 10, 2014


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Topic: When pro-family & neo-evangelicals in America give credibility to globalists, statists, internationalists, globalists, and communists and their agenda. Topic: First large, so called, Christian organization endorses the globalist Common Core education program. Would it be a shocker if you found out the leader of this organization has been embraced by New Religious Right groups such as the American Family Association and Focus on the Family? Topic: American Family Association radio network host calls Putin a lion of Christianity? Has the AFA/AFR host forgotten that Putin is a former Communist, KGB officer? Is he not aware of numerous reported human rights abuses against those that oppose Putin? Brannon explains the real worldview of Putin, the president of Russia. Bloomberg reports that Putin is the richest man in the world with a net worth of $70 billion. How did Putin get his $70 billion? Was it through corruption and if so is that the hallmark of a man that is a lion of Christianity? Putin recently met with the Pope and bowed to this false teacher. Would a lion of Christianity bow to a false teacher that claims to be the very presence of Christ on earth? Topic: Cliff Kincaid reports that a Russian opposition leader claims that Putin and his friends have stolen $30 billion that should have gone to construction projects for the Olympics. Topic: American Pro-family organizations to support and/or be sponsors or partners with the World Congress of Families that is reportedly going to hold a conference in Moscow in September of which Putin will reportedly preside over. Why would so-called pro-family organizations do anything that might give credibility to Putin? Cliff Kincaid reports that a close associate of Putin is behind the Moscow conference. Learn about this friend of Putin and his former KGB history. Topic: According to news reports, Putin gave communist party head Gennady Zyuganov a soviet edition of the Communist Manifesto as a birthday gift and called him one of Russia’s most influential politicians. Does all this make you think Putin is a lion of Christianity? Topic: Why do so many so-called pro-family groups seem to be so clueless as to be duped by false teachers along with globalists, socialists, and even communists?

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