Brannon Howse: Aired February 11th, 2014


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Why are some city and county governments handing empty medicine bottles on the door of their residents? The answer in the literature included with the empty medicine bottles says it is a test to see if they can distribute medicine in the event of a bioterrorists attack. How ready are you for such an event? Do you own potassium tablets? Why does the government have to give us potassium tablets? Why are families not preparing on their own? Topic: Hear some shocking and sobering audio clips from a November of 2010 interview that Brannon conducted with retired General Jim Cash who served as the assistant director of operations at NORAD inside Cheyenne Mountain. General Cash speaks of his belief that it was China that shot a missile off our coast in 2010. Topic: General Cash speaks to the real and present threat of an EMP attack against America. Topic: Iran says it is moving a war ship off the American coast in international waters? Iran has been practicing since 1998 on launching a missile from a cargo ship and now they might actual move a war ship close to our shores? Topic: A congressman and former CIA Director hold a meeting in D.C. on the threat of 9 out of 10 Americans dying due to an EMP attack. Topic: In November of 2010 experts believe China shot off a missile 35 miles off the California coast and experts also believe that if this had been an EMP attack that was this close to our shores our military could not have prevented this attack. Experts saw this Chinese sub was armed with 12 missiles that carry a large nuclear payload. Topic: Why are more Churches and Christian men not taking seriously their responsibility to prepare for their families for the many threats that faces our families? How will the New Testament church carry out the command to care for those inside our own congregations when so few Christian men, elders, deacons and pastors are not aware of threats we face or are afraid to talk about preparations? Topic: We take your calls.

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