Brannon Howse: Aired February 18, 2014


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Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Why were portions of the Old Testament written in Aramaic? Which portions were they? Question: Knowing that God is holy and cannot be in the presence of sin, how does one explain Satan being in His presence in Job 1:6? Question: Paul called the Corinthians carnal. Is he saying that some of them were false converts, or were they real born-again Christians? Question: Who is in the “cloud of witnesses” referred to in Heb. 12:1? Question: What is your opinion of merging the gospels together into a harmonized edition? Does doing so add or take away from the Word of God as warned against in Rev.22: 18, 19? Question: If you were starting a local church today, what would you view as its most important elements? Question: A caller recently said that our soul dies and only our spirit is eternal. Aren't both our soul and spirit eternal? Question: In heaven, will God explain why we suffered the hardships we endured on earth? Question: Can the saints who are in currently in heaven intercede for Christians on earth? Question: For a few years now it has been a battle trying to get my teenage daughter to go to church. I was in fear that making her go was only hardening her heart. So we told her that she knows right from wrong and that she would have to answer to the Lord one day. Is this the right approach to take to a rebellious teenager who doesn't want to go to church? I don't want her to go if her heart isn't right to worship the Lord yet I don't want her to be left out of hearing God’s Word.

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