Brannon Howse: Aired February 19, 2013


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John.” Question: I have a problem with the same sin over and over. I am a Christian and believe the Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior, but I cannot stop my behavior, and feel that if I could I would just sin somewhere else. Can I lose my salvation? Question: I recently heard a program about single Christian girls who are adopting children. Something about it doesn't seem right to me. I understand that there are genuine single-mom situations, but I don't understand purposely creating a single-parent home. Am I wrong for questioning this? Question: I am a former Catholic, so I attend family occasions in the Catholic church at times. Should I participate in communion there if I now believe that it is a remembrance? Question: Do you believe that God still speaks to us through “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12), the Bible, others and circumstances? Question: What is irresistible grace? Is it Biblical? Do you have verses that support it? Is it possible to resist the grace of God? Question: Is there a difference between the sanctification of an apostle and the sanctification of a follower of Jesus Christ? Question: Please explain the second half of Eph. 3:19. Question: What is your interpretation of Zechariah 5:5-11 – the vision of the ephah and the wicked woman being taken to the land of Shinar? Since an ephah is a symbol of commerce (and lead on top of it would be a symbol of false commerce) and the wicked woman is a symbol of false religion, could this be referring to Revelation 17 and 18 – the false economic and false religious center of the world to be established in Babylon? Question: I have heard you speak of the different eras that the world will experience: 1. Before the fall 2. Between the fall and the flood 3. Between the flood and the millennial kingdom (including the current church age) 4. The millennial kingdom 5. Eternity Does the Bible indicate that there will be a distinction in heaven between those born in any particular age? Is there a specific purpose in heaven for the bride of Christ? Will those born before or after the church age ever become part of the bride of Christ? John 20:29 and Rev. 21:14 seem to indicate that God’s plan for each age continues on in eternity. Question: Will the unsaved dead possess something akin to a glorified body? Otherwise, how will they be able to endure eternal torment? What will their resurrected bodies be like (Rev. 20:11-15)?

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