Brannon Howse: Aired February 20, 2014


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Topic: Even Secular outlets report on New Apostolic Reformation proponent calling for a military coup to take over the government and put America back under the Constitution. Topic: One website is reporting that Family Research Council Executive Vice President has said that the 2nd Amendment came from the Lord and that Christians are going to have to fight at times to build God’'s kingdom. Why is such talk totally unbiblical? Topic: How does the irresponsible speech of some of the New Religious Right actually harm the gospel as well as Christians? Topic: Kentucky Church to build 61,300 square foot gym to bring the goats into their church. Why is this completely unbiblical and a waste of money? What must real Christians in nations where they are being persecuted for the gospel think of Americans building fitness centers for goats while they preach the pure gospel and pay such a price? Topic: What about Celebrate Recovery by Rick Warren? Should churches use this course and training? Topic: Rick Warren writes a so called Bible study around the movie Son of God by Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey. Topic: NBC affiliate in Charlotte, North Carolina reports that the supposed spontaneous baptisms of hundreds of people were anything but spontaneous. Hear the news report and ask yourself why the secular media has to expose these hirelings and their gimmicks instead of Southern Baptist Convention leaders?

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